Wish List

Our donors have always been incredibly generous in their gifts to the Sisters. Please consider helping us with some very practical needs that are on our wish list.


Auditorium Chairs for Weber Center

100 needed | cost: $435 each

Weber Retreat and Conference Center is a busy gathering place for Sisters, Associates, Co-workers, and retreatants/guests. We are in the process of replacing the well-used chairs in the Weber Auditorium to ensure comfortable and functional seating for many years to come.

 Two adobe-colored cushioned chairs with light gray metal legs, one with arms and one without.


Giving Tree Tribute - St. Catherine Chapel

Silver Leaf | cost: $500 each
Gold Leaf | cost: $1,000 each
Dove | cost: $5,000 each

The Adrian Dominican Sisters' Giving Tree is located in the gathering space of St. Catherine Chapel. We invite you to make specific donations to this Giving Tree as you remember a deceased loved one or honor the accomplishments or special events celebrated by family members and friends. These generous gifts will be used to meet the needs of our retired Sisters.

This Giving Tree holds special significance for the Sisters since it previously belonged to St. Joseph Academy, the first institution founded and sponsored by the Congregation.

This form is your invitation to make a donation that will be recognized with an engraved dove, a gold leaf, or a silver leaf. Thank you for your participation in this project, which will make your generosity visible to all who visit St. Catherine Chapel.

Examples of engraved leaves and dove for our Giving Tree

Whirlpool Tubs

3 needed 2 needed - thank you! | cost: $15,000 each

The whirlpool tub's bubbling action stimulates skin for better blood circulation, which keeps skin healthy and assists in healing wounds. We have found that the whirlpool is also good for the mental health of the Sisters.

water bubbles in a curved whirlpool bathtub with grab bars and a hand-held sprayer fastened to the side.


Bedroom Mattresses for 

60 needed | cost: $350 each

It is time to start replacing mattresses for Sisters living in the Dominican Life Center. These new therapeutic mattresses will help provide a good night's rest for our aging Sisters.

 A man with short hair and wearing a polo shirt sets a blue mattress into a hospital bed frame


Assist Rails

160 needed | total cost: $133,576
Donations of the entire needed amount or much smaller amounts to be put toward the larger projects are all welcome!

Floor-mounted assist rails are added to both sides of a toilet for the safety of the Sisters. The bars are secure and do not come loose, but can also swing out of the way when not needed.

Assist Rails installed for toilet Assist Rails for toilet, up


Dominican Life Center 3 South Renovation

Total cost: $202,371
Donations of the entire needed amount or much smaller amounts to be put toward the larger projects are all welcome!

Renovation plans include painting, new draperies, and new flooring. The renovation will provide a safer space as well as a brighter and more cheerful environment for the Sisters.


Garden Stones

50 needed | cost: $500 medium size; $1,000 large size

Honor or remember a loved one with a beautiful garden stone while supporting our Permaculture site and our sustainability efforts. Stones can be engraved with your short message.

Use this form to make a donation that will be recognized with an engraved stone. Thank you for your participation in this project, which will make your generosity visible to all who visit the Permaculture site.

Left, close-up example of a medium garden stone; right, a wider image of a large garden stone.