Collage of people served by organizations supported by PAB investments, including Enterprising Latinas, OneAcreFund in Burundi and Rawanda, and Georgia BRIGHT

Shareholder Advocacy

Using our Congregation's investments and shareholder actions to work for "change through justice."
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Community Impact Investing

Supporting endeavors that directly improve communities and create sustainable change—around the U.S. and across the globe.
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Current News

Find out about our latest community investments and corporate responsibility actions.
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What you can do

Let your voice be heard as an investor and a consumer! You can make a difference.
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The mission of PAB is to use the assets of the Adrian Dominican Sisters to build the beloved community. We invest in community organizations that create opportunities for those who are marginalized and that embody values of collaboration, inclusiveness, right relationship with Earth, and racial and gender equity. We use our voice as shareholders in corporations to promote policies and practices that build the beloved community.


Rooted in the Vision, Mission and Enactments of the Adrian Dominican Sisters, the Portfolio Advisory Board envisions a beloved community without poverty, hunger, homelessness, and ecological degradation. The beloved community is shaped by its collective voices and is committed to promoting racial and gender equity and systemic changes to policies and practices of institutions inhibiting its realization. Building on its collaborative strength, the beloved community is an active, healthy, and thriving space where all are welcome and have a voice.

View our full 2023-2028 Strategic Plan (PDF)


Contact Us

Portfolio Advisory Board and Office, Adrian Dominican Sisters
1257 E. Siena Heights Drive
Adrian, Michigan 49221
Phone: (517) 266-3523

Email: [email protected]

Banner photo at top: Examples of community impact investing happening through PAB partners Enterprising Latinas, OnAcreFund (in Burundi and Rwanda), and Georgia BRIGHT. 








Two Key Strategies of the PAB:

Shareholder Advocacy

The PAB monitors the Congregation's investments and engages in shareholder activity on matters of justice (encouraging corporations that we invest in to be fair and responsible to workers, customers, and the environment)


  • General Mills: Removed genetically engineered ingredients from Cheerios and added labels on products that contain them. 
  • Hasbro: Removed PVC from toys because of its harmful environmental impact.
  • Gilead Sciences: Expanded access to HIV therapies for people in low- and middle-income countries.
  • Firearm manufacturers and retailers: Encouraged the positive role they can play in ending the epidemic of gun violence through gun safety and a Human Rights Impact Assessment of policies, practices, and products.

Community Impact Investing 

The PAB makes low-interest loans to non-profit community organizations that benefit low-income people and underserved communities. Examples of our investments include:
   - affordable and energy-efficient houses,
   - microfinancing programs for women in developing countries,
   - start-up or expansion of sustainable agriculture projects.


  • Since 1978, the PAB has made more than 600 loans totaling over $45 million at a 98.7% return rate.
  • First faith-based investor to invest in cooperativas and their recovery and resiliency initiatives in Puerto Rico.
  • Encouraging other faith-based organizations to invest in community organizations.