Leadership Council
Another group of leaders—Sisters elected regionally to serve as “Chapter Prioresses” or "Mission Prioresses"—join the General Council three times a year, forming the Leadership Council. Currently, seven Sisters serve as Chapter or Mission Prioresses.
Leadership Council September 2023
Members of the Leadership Council are, back row, from left: Mary Jane Lubinski, OP, Peggy Coyne, OP, Mary Soher, OP, Sharon Spanbauer, OP, Lorraine Réaume, OP, Corinne Sanders, OP, Bibiana "Bless" Colasito, OP; front row, from left: Fran Nadolny, OP, Mary Priniski, OP, Elise García, OP, Judy Friedel, OP, and Maria Yolanda "Yollie" Manapsal, OP.