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Sister Joan Delaplane, OP
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Sister Joan Delaplane, OP

Sister Joan Delaplane is Professor Emerita of Homiletics at Aquinas Institute of Theology in St. Louis, where she was on the faculty for some twenty-five years. In 2001, she received the school’s Great Preacher Award for the ways her words and actions had made an outstanding contribution to the building-up of the Catholic community.

She was honored in 2013 by having The Delaplane Initiative for Preaching Excellence at Aquinas endowed and named for her. Among other things, the $500,000 grant from Lilly Endowment, Inc., will help the initiative strengthen preaching among Catholic clergy at all levels.

Today, Sister Joan is a spiritual director and retreat leader. 

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Avatar  Diana oleskevich last yearReply

I often think of you at the beginning of Lent, when in the 90s I was learning from you in the corporate ministry program at SLU and you encouraged my homily on Happy Lent! These 40 days of growing in love have evolved into the rest of my life! With deep gratitude I send you Lenten blessings!

Avatar  Susan Imbs 3 years agoReply

Greetings and peace, dear Joan.

You were my gateway to the charism of the Dominicans which has lived at the core of my spiritual life ever since. Meeting you at Saint Louis University that cold rainy morning for breakfast in the fall of 1980 changed my life. Two Sundays ago at Mass your name found its way to my lips as I gave thanks to God that She had brought my path to intersect with you. I am delighted to learn of all you have done to encourage the fires of preaching.

You gave me a little metal butterfly which has taken temporary rest on a bit of driftwood in 1982. You said it reminded you of me. . . one who would always rest lightly along the path of her life before taking flight once again. Your were far more prophetic than you knew. Even now it sits on the shelf of the bookcase in my living room, always challenging me gently to test my wings, to see if now is the moment for another flight along my journey, or a time yet to rest.

Blessings to you, Joan. Your flame has scattered sparks throughout the world which will flame brightly for many many years!


Blessing to you every day.

Avatar  Gloria Ulterino 5 years agoReply

Dear Sr. Joan, You taught the first homiletic workshop that I attended back in 1983. I will never forget your homily, as you "became" the man beside the pool at Bethsaida. My feeling then? "Wow! I must learn to preach and do it well. I must give it my all, as you so clearly did! Thank you ever so much for the impact you made upon my life. Sincerely, Gloria Ulterino

Avatar  Mary Groff McClary 6 years agoReply

Dear Sister Joan, I wrote you a letter earlier this week and later realized that I had not included my email address. In this day it is easier to correspond electronically.please feel free to use my email address to correspond

Avatar  Mary Seematter 6 years agoReply

A blessed new year to my sorely missed, most excellent Spiritual Director. I pass your street often and always think of you when I do. I wish I lived closer to Adrian so I could come visit. I “google” you every so often to see if any major updates. Much love, Mary S.

Avatar  Sister Mary Ann Hettel 9 years agoReply

Greetings Joan,

Sr. Kathy and I were talking about you and so we "goggled" you to see what you are doing.
Thanks for all you have shared with us.
I hope you are well. I retired from administration and am now working with Catholic charities as a Senior Companion and working with Child Network. I am relaxed ad enjoying my daily life.
Are you in Adrian?
Sr. Mary ann

Avatar  Barbara jochem Haecker 9 years agoReply

Thank you, Joan for being such an inspiration!


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