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Sister Magdalena Ezoe, OP
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Sister Magdalena Ezoe, OP

Music runs in the family for Sister Magdalena. She was born in Tokyo, Japan, where her uncle directed a music conservatory, and came to the United States not long after World War II. A trained musician and published composer, she has written sacred and liturgical music and other instrumental and choral works. She has also performed around the United States and in Tokyo.

She taught music on the high school and college level and is now a Professor Emerita at Siena Heights University, Adrian, where she taught applied piano, music theory, and music history and literature for many years.

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Avatar  sybil diccion 6 years agoReply

I was an older student of Sr. Mag's from '69-71. As a non-traditional student, I went back to school to study music theory. I had absolutely no intention of signing up for piano lessons. But if I was going to take music theory classes, I had to choose among performance, joining the vocal department or teaching. I had no desire to do any of these things but Fate intervened. After two semesters of elementary theory with Sr. Rose Therese (whom I adored), I was assigned to Sr. Mag for my 2nd and 3rd years. I learned much from both but boy, their approach to the subject was different from each other.

Piano was a different ball game. I had had such few lessons but continued to play most of my life. Many corrections had to be made but I learned quickly and I think Sr. Mag appreciated that.

The first time I heard Magdalena perform at Siena was right after she came to campus. I'll NEVER forget her rendition of Chopin's FANTAISE IMPROMPTU. Tears streamed down my cheeks--as they do to this day. I cannot help myself from crying when I hear her play. Of course there is the familiarity and personal connection but more than that is the sheer talent and her obvious love for the instrument and the artist. I think she gets embarrassed at my tears but they're an expression of my admiration of someone so deserving. She is aging, and could easily decide to stay in her room and say that she has done enough throughout the years. But her fingers and her heart are still supple and giving and we are the benefactors of her love for music. Thank you, Sr. Mag

Avatar  Sharon Raskey Eisen 6 years agoReply

I fondly remember all the choral rehearsals with you at Dominican High School. It taught me to listen and enjoy choral music, Will be going to see a choral presentation by Audivi at First Pres Church in Birmingham tomorrow and hope to be transported as I usually am. I did some music appreciation with Prof Jason Tickton at Wayne State and expanded my interest. He made students promise to support musical groups which I have done for more than 50 years. I hope that I can continue to do so. I hope that you are well and still perform,

Avatar  Joanne (Trupiano) Chapman 9 years agoReply

At a recent family gathering my sister-in-law, Vicky (Mansor) mentioned you. What a pleasant flashback. How nice to think of such a wonderful person again from the past. I sincerely hope you are well.

Joanne (Trupiano)

Avatar  Magdalena Ezoe, OP 7 years agoReply

This is February 9 2018, and I just read your above comments I am residing at Adrian and doing OK - still performing some piano concerts. Hope all is well with you; hello to all I know! esp. to Vicky! Thanks.

Avatar  Google Articles 9 years agoReply

I've read the book and really enjoyed it. I like the idea of some exercises to do at the end of each.


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