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image from online presentation of Motherhouse Art Tour

February 22, 2022, Adrian, Michigan – Not many people have the privilege and joy of living in an art museum, but Sister Suzanne Schreiber’s virtual tour of artwork on the Adrian Dominican Sisters’ Motherhouse Campus demonstrated that the Sisters who live on the campus do, indeed, live in an art museum of sorts. 

Sister Suzanne Schreiber, OP

The February 7, 2022, presentation was part of Weber Retreat and Conference Center’s popular Lunch and Learn Series – held virtually until the retreat center can reopen to the public.

“Our Motherhouse buildings are full of artwork,” Sister Suzanne said. “Just about every hallway, every space, every room has the artwork of Sisters and others on display. It’s like one big gallery.” But too often, she added, Sisters, Associates, and Co-workers walk through the halls of the Motherhouse and glance at the artwork without stopping to really see and appreciate it. Sister Suzanne invited her audience to really see the artwork featured during the tour – and all of the artwork on display on campus.

During her presentation, Sister Suzanne showed slides and discussed a number of artworks, from paintings and photographs to weavings, sculpture, stained glass windows, wooden carvings, and Cuadros – textile work created by women of Peru. In many cases, she offered the backstory of various works of art and discussed the creative process used by artists.

As you watch the presentation below, you are invited to savor the beauty and uniqueness of the artwork displayed throughout the Motherhouse Campus.


Feature photo: 
My Father’s Garden, a series of paintings by Sister Barbara Cervenka, OP, lines a wall of Weber Center near the parking lot entrance. Sister Barbara’s work was one of many works of art featured in a tour of the artwork gracing the Adrian Dominican Sisters’ Motherhouse Campus. 

Person wearing prayer shawl blowing the shofar at sunset

February 21, 2022, Adrian, Michigan – Knowing the common roots of the three Abrahamic religious traditions – Judaism, Christianity, and Islam – can help Christians to better understand and appreciate their own faith tradition. In this series of talks offered in person and online, Sister Susan Van Baalen, OP, walks participants through the roots of Judaism: its theology, Scriptures, household rituals, Sabbath observances, and festivals and holidays.

Sister Susan Van Baalen, OP

“Appreciating and Celebrating Jewish Holidays” is offered both in person at Weber Retreat and Conference Center and via live stream from 1:30 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. EDT Tuesdays, March 15, 22, and 29, 2022. 

Sister Susan, a Dominican Sister of Adrian, worked in an environment that required her to explore the depth and breadth of world religions and has taught world religions at the graduate and undergraduate level. 

The cost for the in-person participation is $25 for the series. All guests will be screened for COVID-19 and required to wear masks. The cost for online participation is $15.

Registration is required and is available at www.webercenter.org; click on “programs.” Registrations may also be made by calling 517-266-4000 or emailing [email protected]. Limited scholarships are available.

Weber Center is located on the campus of the Adrian Dominican Sisters’ Motherhouse, Adrian. For information, call the Weber Center at 517-266-4000.



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