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December 9, 2019 – What is your dream for racial equity? In honor of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day, Weber Retreat and Conference Center invites all actively enrolled college students to participate in its “I Have a Dream” essay contest.

To participate, describe in 1,000 words or less your personal dream for racial equity and email it to [email protected] by 11:59 p.m. Monday, January 6, 2020. The prizes are $150 for first place, $75 for second place, and $50 for third place. 

Winners will be notified by Monday, January 13, 2020, and must be willing to read their essay aloud at a gathering at the Adrian Dominican Sisters Motherhouse Campus on a mutually agreeable date in January.

Weber Center is on the campus of the Adrian Dominican Sisters’ Motherhouse, 1257 E. Siena Heights Drive, Adrian. Enter the Eastern-most driveway of the complex and follow the signs to Weber Center. For information, call 517-266-4000 or visit www.webercenter.org.

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December 5, 2019, Adrian, Michigan – The U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services’ recently proposed increases in fees for services to immigrants and asylum seekers could cause undue hardship for low- or middle-income immigrants and those seeking asylum. That is the point made by Sister Attracta Kelly, OP, JD, an immigration attorney and Director of the Adrian Dominican Sisters’ Office of Immigration Services. In an op-ed article in The (Adrian) Daily Telegram, Sister Attracta argues that if the proposed fee increases are adopted, “this will be the first time in U.S. history that those seeking freedom from unsafe countries will have to pay for asylum here.” She also argues against the proposed increase in fees for Dreamers, young adults who came to the United States as children with their undocumented parents and who have known only the United States as their home. Finally, she argues against the proposal to use the money raised by the fees to increase enforcement against immigrants. Read Sister Attracta’s entire article, “Proposed Fee Hikes Present Undue Hardship to Immigrants.”



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