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October 17, 2018, Seattle, Washington – In an article in The Northwest Catholic, magazine of the Archdiocese of Seattle, Sister Lorene Heck, OP, is portrayed as a minister who works and lives by the philosophy, “Give your best and hope.” She has followed this philosophy in 55 years of ministry, whether as a teacher at Bishop Blanchard High School in Seattle or now as Chapter Prioress of the Adrian Dominican Sisters’ Dominican West Mission Chapter. She will continue that ethic of hard work as, in response to the invitation of Archbishop J. Peter Sartain, she works on the archdiocese’s Called to Serve as Christ, a fund-raising campaign for women religious in the archdiocese. Read the full article by Rich Kaipust.

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October 12, 2018, Adrian, Michigan – Before an audience of Sisters, Co-workers, and local concerned residents, Sister Attracta Kelly, OP, described proposed changes in U.S. immigration policy that could make the process of becoming a U.S. citizen or receiving legal status in the United States much more difficult. She spoke in the Rose Room of the Adrian Dominican Sisters’ Motherhouse.

Sister Attracta – an immigration attorney and Director of the Congregation’s Immigration Assistance Office – spelled out the implications for those applying for visas or citizenship if the proposed changes go into effect. The proposal would make it harder for immigrants to apply for legal status if they receive any public benefits they or family members might need.

At issue is a proposed change by the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) that would consider people applying for citizenship or legal status as “public charges” if they receive “any use” of certain federal aid programs “at any time in the future.” Applicants who are seen as “public charges” can be denied a visa or citizenship, Sister Attracta said.          

Public charge is legal language for a ‘ground of inadmissibility’ to the United States that has existed all along,” Sister Attracta explained. But the definitions of who is a “public charge” has changed over the years. She noted that when Ellis Island was established as a port of entry for immigrants in 1892, immigrants were not allowed to enter the country if they “had a communicable disease, had committed a crime of moral turpitude,” or didn’t have a relative or sponsor of any kind who could take care of the immigrant financially.

Beginning in 1999, public charges were defined as people who have become or are likely to become “primarily dependent on the government for subsistence” through receipt of public cash assistance or long-term institutionalized care. Until now, Sister Attracta added, the government relied heavily on sponsors who signed an “affidavit of support,” a document signed by a financial supporter promising to support the applicant financially so that he or she would not depend on the government for assistance.

The proposed changes expand the number of federal assistance programs that prohibit people from gaining legal status. These programs include food stamps, housing vouchers for low-income families, the elderly, and people with disabilities; and the Children’s Health Insurance Program.

Sister Attracta noted the implications of this proposed rule change: it would “immediately create fear” in the hearts of immigrants, who would wonder if the rule applies to them, and could prevent them from applying for programs that family members might need. The Migrant Family Institute estimates that 200,000 couples annually applying for legal status who would be eligible under the current system could be denied under the proposed law.

The proposed change was formally published on October 10, opening a 60-day comment period before the change actually takes effect. Sister Attracta issued a call to action, to speak up on behalf of people who will be negatively impacted by the changes in rules. “All of us are encouraged to make a response” in support of those who are applying for legal status, she said.

Sister Attracta offered several points for those who want to speak up:

  • The way a person lives and contributes to the community should define one in this country – not how they look or how much money they have.
  • Individual immigrants can’t be targeted without hurting families, and hurting families hurts the community as a whole.
  • The proposed change puts wealth ahead of families, many of whom have waited years to be reunited.
  • Migrants and immigrants from poor parts of the world – those who have a special claim on our generosity – would be totally disadvantaged by this system.
  • We have drifted away as a nation from the vision of the Emma Lazarus and the Statue of Liberty: “Give me your tired, your poor…
  • Many who are seeking legal status would have died in their home countries, either from persecution and violence or starvation.

Materials with information on these points and more will be available on the Congregation’s website and at the Adrian Dominican Sisters Motherhouse by Wednesday, October 17.

Sister Attracta concluded her talk by encouraging the audience to reach out to their immigrant neighbors any way they can – praying for immigrants; submitting comments against the change; getting to know neighbors so they can reach out for help if they need it; driving immigrants to Detroit or other federal offices for any portion of the application process. “Any help you can give would be absolutely a gift,” she said.

PowerPoint from the Presentation:



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