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August 6, 2020, Adrian, Michigan – Two women – Alison Altmeyer of Chicago and Annemarie Kallenbach of Adrian – were formally welcomed as new Adrian Dominican Associates July 29, 2020, during a Ritual of Acceptance on Zoom.

Mary Lach, Director of Associate Life, welcomed more than 70 people who virtually witnessed the Ritual of Acceptance. “We join our hearts in relationship and we welcome Annemarie and Alison to Associate Life,” she said.

Mary noted the more than 800 years of Dominican teaching, tradition, and history that has been passed down to the Adrian Dominican Sisters and Associates. “As new Associates you are part of this legacy of Dominican charism,” Mary said. “We want you both to know how warmly we welcome you as you embrace the Dominican charism in your own life.”

Sister Sharon Spanbauer, OP, mentor of Annemarie, introduced her as a colleague and a fellow nurse practitioner who advocates for the rights and dignity of all people. “These past years she has felt a deepened calling for spirituality and has spent more time in reading, meditation, and prayer,” Sister Sharon said. “To join her journey with ours cannot be but enriching for all of us.”

Annemarie Kallenbach expresses joy over her formal acceptance as an Adrian Dominican Associate.

Annemarie was born in Chicago in a large family, focused on faith and education, and attributed her choice to become an Associate to this “faith-filled” family. She and her husband Jeff – now grandparents – also raised their two daughters in the faith, she said. 

After living for many years in Chicago, she and Jeff moved to Adrian, where he is Associate Professor of Mathematics at Siena Heights University. Annemarie is an adjunct professor in the Nursing Department. She had been an intensive care nurse and now, as nurse practitioner, includes Adrian Dominican Sisters among her patients. 

Annemarie has been involved in outreach ministries such as Share the Warmth, a homeless shelter in Adrian. A talented artist in the media of ceramics, metal, and paper, she has gotten to know Adrian Dominican Sisters who are artists. 

“I [was] looking for a spiritual enrichment group that will help keep me focused and nurtured … for a group to share my gifts but also to find a place of serenity and invigoration,” she said of her decision to become an Adrian Dominican Associate.

New Associate Alison Altmeyer, front left, with her mentor, Sister Norine Burns, OP, front right, and back row, from left, Sisters Joan Mary, OP, and Eunice Drazba, OP.

Sister Norine Burns, OP, introduced Alison Altmeyer as “no stranger to those of us who know her through Aquinas Literacy Center,” Sister Norine mentored Alison, noting that Alison first met the Adrian Dominican Sisters while teaching Spanish at Maria High School in Chicago, where Sister Noreen Burke, OP, served as teacher and counselor.

“It was then and there that the seeds for Associate Life were planted” in the heart of Alison, Sister Norine said. Alison went on to serve as Executive Director of Aquinas Literacy Center – sponsored by the Adrian Dominican Sisters – since 2004.

“She will be an asset to Associate Life,” Sister Norine said of Alison. “She has captured the Dominican spirit and possesses a clear sense of her call to live out the mission of Jesus.”

Alison said her ministry at Aquinas Literacy Center impels her “to joyfully live the Dominican charism..Becoming an Associate provides the opportunity to deepen my own spirituality and to strengthen my relationship with the Adrian Dominican Sisters,” she added. “Most importantly, every day, living the Gospel as an Adrian Dominican Associate invites a contemplative life, advocating for peace and justice in this world.”

A native of Des Plaines, Illinois, Alison is the youngest of three sisters. She earned a bachelor’s degree in Spanish and secondary education. 

In January 2019, Alison married Peter Harley, whom she met at the literacy center in 2011. He is the coordinator of children’s faith formation at Holy Name Cathedral in Chicago. “Our Catholic faith is the center of our marriage,” Alison said.

Associates are women and men, at least 18 years of age – married, single, widowed, or divorced – who make a non-vowed commitment to partner with the Adrian Dominican Sisters. While maintaining their own lifestyle and remaining financially independent, they participate in various spiritual, social, and ministerial experiences with the Sisters and live out the Dominican charism, or spirit, in their daily lives.

If you feel called to be an Adrian Dominican Associate, contact Mary Lach at 517-266-3531 or [email protected]. If you are a single Catholic woman interested in vowed life as an Adrian Dominican Sister, contact Sister Tarianne DeYonker, OP, at 517-266-3532 or  [email protected].

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August 1, 2020, West Palm Beach, Florida – Suzanne Sink was formally welcomed as an Adrian Dominican Associate on July 25, 2020, in the garden of Casa, the residence of Adrian Dominican Sisters in West Palm Beach. Gathered around her to celebrate were not only family members, Associates and Sisters from the local area but – through Zoom – Associates and Sisters from around the United States.

New Associate Suzanne Sink, right, listens as her mentor, Sister Margarita Ruíz, OP, formally introduces her.

Suzanne’s Ritual of Acceptance was the first virtual acceptance as Mary Lach, Director of Associate Life, took part in the ceremony from Michigan.

Associates are women and men, at least 18 years of age – married, single, widowed, or divorced – who make a non-vowed commitment to partner with the Adrian Dominican Sisters. While maintaining their own lifestyle and remaining financially independent, they participate in various spiritual, social, and ministerial experiences with the Sisters and live out the Dominican charism, or spirit, in their daily lives.

Associate Nancy Medina offered words of welcome to Suzanne and those gathered for the ceremony. “Suzanne has a sweet personality,” she said. “This past year we have seen her grow in her faith. She has demonstrated a desire to help others without self-interest.”

Sister Margarita Ruíz, OP, Suzanne’s mentor, spoke of her own joy in formally introducing her. “She is a committed follower of Jesus and is ready to do all that she can to share in the Dominican charism.” Among Suzanne’s joys, Sister Margarita said, is sharing her gifts with her students at Florida Atlantic University, where she is an instructor in the English Department.

Born and raised in Rhode Island, Suzanne moved to North Carolina for her college education, studying English and education. After graduation, she met her husband, Daniel, and began a family that includes John, 13, and Francesca Marie, 6. Suzanne taught at local universities while earning her Ph.D. “I was proud to present my dissertation, which focused on how immigrant women from the Azores – my maternal heritage – help preserve and share culture, history, and anchor spirituality.”

Suzanne described the faith that had been passed on from her grandmother, aunt, and mother. “I see today as being directly connected to those women, and I have begun to grow in my connection to God,” she said. 

Suzanne Sink signs the Agreement of Association, which signifies her willingness to enter into a formal relationship with the Adrian Dominican Sisters and Associates.

Suzanne also spoke of how she grew spiritually from her connection to the Adrian Dominican Sisters and Associates. “I have grown in my faith and spiritual understanding, and I have drawn comfort and inspiration from my Adrian brother and sisters,” she said. “The friendships and mentoring have sustained me through challenges, and I look forward to carrying these gifts forward and outward to others.”

The Ritual of Acceptance included the presentation of the Adrian Dominican Associate logo to Suzanne and the signing of the Agreement of Association, which signifies Suzanne’s formal commitment to the Adrian Dominican Sisters and Associates. 

The ritual concluded with words of gratitude to Sister Margarita – who will be moving to the Motherhouse in Adrian, Michigan – for her involvement in mentoring Associates in both the Dominican Republic and Florida. “I can’t thank you enough on behalf of all Associates for all you have done,” Mary Lach, Director of Associate Life, told Sister Margarita.

If you feel called to be an Adrian Dominican Associate, contact Mary Lach at 517-266-3531 or [email protected]. If you are a single Catholic woman interested in vowed life as an Adrian Dominican Sister, contact Sister Tarianne DeYonker, OP, at 517-266-3532 or [email protected].


Feature photo (top): Associate Nancy Medina pins the Associate Life logo on new Associate Suzanne Sink.  



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