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July 16, 2015, Detroit, Michigan – From Hope House in the Brightmoor area of Detroit and the other interfaith efforts at sustainability by Voices for Earth Justice, to the permaculture projects at the Adrian Dominican Sisters’ Motherhouse campus, a recent Catholic News Service (CNS) article showcases some of the Congregation’s ecological efforts in Michigan. CNS reporter Dennis Sadowski interviewed Adrian Dominican Associate Patty Gillis and Sisters Janet Stankowski, Patricia Benson, Carol Coston, and Corinne Sanders to learn more about these long-time efforts. Read his entire article, found on the website of CatholicPhilly.com.


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July 13, 2015, Washington, DC – Sister Donna Markham, OP, PhD, President and CEO of Catholic Charities USA, and Archbishop Thomas G. Wenski, of Miami, wrote to key members of the Senate Committee on the Judiciary, urging passage of a bill that would give a second chance to inmates leaving prison to start a new life in the community. In their letter to Senators Charles E. Grassley, Chair, and Patrick J. Leahy, Ranking Member, they supported the Second Chance Act, which would make it easier for former inmates to find housing, employment, substance abuse treatment if needed, and other forms of support. They urged reconciliation and supportive services to give former inmates a second chance at life, rather than continued retribution and punishment. Read their entire letter




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