What's Happening


Sillouette of a woman, hair up in a bun and facing away from the camera, making a heart shape with both hands so the sunrise shines through the heart

February 5, 2024, Adrian, Michigan – The Saturday, March 2, 2024, Day of Mindfulness at Weber Retreat and Conference Center has been canceled. You are invited to join the mindfulness community at Weber Retreat and Conference Center for the next scheduled session, Saturday, April 6, 2024. 

Smiling white woman with short white hair, blue patterned glasses, and earrings wearing a purple turtleneck and a purple and turquoise scarfThe Mindfulness community gathers monthly to deepen their understanding and commitment to mindfulness. Sessions are held on Saturdays from 10:00 a.m. to 2:30 p.m., at Weber Center and are facilitated by Sister Esther Kennedy, OP, a Dominican Sister of Adrian, retreat leader, and spiritual director. 

The theme for the April session is “Trust in Your Goodness.” Sometimes, you might judge yourself endlessly and even harshly. Are you open to considering that within you lies all the creativity, possibility, forgiveness, and understanding you need to live well?

The session is limited to 30 participants. The cost is $35, which includes lunch. Registration is required and available at www.webercenter.org; click “programs.” Registration may also be made by calling 517-266-4000 or emailing [email protected]

Weber Center is on the campus of the Adrian Dominican Sisters Motherhouse, Adrian, Michigan. Traveling east on Siena Heights Drive, pass the Adrian Rea Literacy Center and turn left just before the solar panel-covered parking lot. Follow the signs to Weber Center. For information, call the Weber Center at 517-266-4000.

Share the April Mindfulness event flyer below

January 29, 2024, Adrian, Michigan – Are you beginning this new year with the burning question of the direction that God is calling you to take in your life? If you’re a single Catholic woman ages 19 to 45, we invite you to explore that question at our Zoom and See Retreat February 16-18, 2024, from the comfort of your own home.

The Zoom and See Retreat is a directed opportunity to meet other women who are discerning God’s call, and to pray, reflect, share, and have fun as you learn about the life of a Sister and the Dominican life.

There is no cost for you to attend. Register at https://tinyurl.com/ADSDiscern. For more information, contact Sister Katherine Frazier, OP (see this flyer for details).



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