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Sister Nancy Murray’s New Website Offers Resources for her Live Performances
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April 26, 2019, Adrian, Michigan – Since 2000, Sister Nancy Murray, OP, has offered more than 800 one-woman performances of the great Dominican mystic, St. Catherine of Siena. This national and international ministry has tapped into Sister Nancy’s natural gift as an actress and her desire to preach the love of God through art. 

Sister Nancy’s new website offers a great deal of background information on both Sister Nancy and on St. Catherine of Siena, as well as a list of her most recent and upcoming shows. Sister Nancy’s busy schedule this year takes her from Dominican audiences at the Adrian Dominican Motherhouse, the Dominican High Schools Preaching Conference, the Dominican Colleges Preaching Conference and Dominican Volunteers to the national venues of Catholic Charities in Albuquerque, New Mexico, and the St. Catherine of Siena Cathedral in Allentown, Pennsylvania.

Sister Nancy is also available to perform a one-woman show as Sister Dorothy Stang, SNDdeN, a Sister of Notre Dame de Namur who was murdered in 2005 after devoting her life to defending the Amazon Rainforest in Brazil and the rights of the people in the forest. 

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Avatar  Laurie A. Hall 11 months agoReply

I am interested in more information about Sr. Nancy Murray's one woman show on Catherine of Sienna. Her website does not appear to be valid. Is there an email address for her or another way to connect with her? I am planning a series focusing on pivotal women of the Church in the upcoming year and would love to consider a performance in Sterling Heights, Michigan.
Thank you! Peace,
Laurie Hall

Avatar  Katie Morris last yearReply

I am trying to visit Sister Nancy's website, but I keep receiving an error. Is there another site published or can you forward my contact information as I am very interested in knowing more about bringing her one woman show to our diocese in Florida. Thank You! KSM

Avatar  Michael Doyle last yearReply

I tried to access Sister’s site from my iPhone but I get a message telling me the site is unsafe or not private. Can you assist?

Avatar  Editor last yearReply

Sister Nancy's website was compromised. We can collect your contact information and forward to Sister Nancy if you wish to connect.

Avatar  Mary Reinhardt 6 years agoReply

Has Sister Nancy been to Albuquerque this year (2019) yet? If not when will she be presenting at Catholic Charities in Albuquerque?

Avatar  Judith Sage 6 years agoReply

Good Luck Nancy.i know you love you Ministry of Arts and that people works wife are inspired to bring prayer and good works into their lives as a result .
I hooe you ask St. Catherine to send me her blessings my life too. I would really appreciate knowing when you will be in or near Aurora IL.
Daily Peace to you as you travel and perform.
Judy Sage



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