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July 10, 2018, Peshawbestown, Michigan – When parishioners of St. Kateri Tekakwitha Parish in the Diocese of Gaylord, Michigan, gathered on June 30, they had much to celebrate – and many blessings that made up for the extreme heat of the day. The parish was celebrating its 160th anniversary – 160 years since the Venerable Bishop Frederic Baraga, the “Snowshoe Priest,” approved the purchase of the land and building the parish church. This was also the 150th anniversary of Bishop Baraga’s death.

During the celebration, Sister Susan Gardner, OP, Pastoral Administrator of St. Kateri Tekakwitha Parish, especially remembers the moment when Penny Concannon, a Native American, smudged the people in the entrance procession – including Bishop Steven J. Raica, Bishop of the Diocese of Gaylord, and herself. 

Sister Susan Gardner, OP, Pastoral Administrator at St. Kateri Tekakwitha Parish, addresses the assembly.

Sister Sue, now in her fifth year of ministry in the parish, treasured the Native American elements to the Mass: drumming by the Spirit Lake Drummers, the smudging of people and the altar, and the prayer to the four directions. But also important to Sister Sue and her parishioners was the strong connection to Bishop Baraga.

A native of Slovenia, Frederic Baraga left his home country in 1830 to serve as missionary in the Great Lakes area of the United States. He ministered to the Native peoples of the area, traveling from one church to another to offer the sacraments, thus earning the affectionate title, “Snowshoe Priest.” In 1853, he was ordained as the first Bishop of Michigan’s Upper Peninsula.

Sister Sue noted Bishop Baraga’s efforts to reach out to the Native people by learning their language. He had written songs in the Native Odawa language and written an Odawa-English dictionary and a catechism in Odawa. In recognition of his language skills, the choir at St. Kateri Tekakwitha sang in its original language one of the three songs that Bishop Baraga had written in Odawa. 

Pope Benedict XVI declared Bishop Baraga Venerable on May 10, 2012. His next step toward canonization is to be beatified, which requires a miracle attributed to him.

As pastoral administrator of St. Kateri Tekakwitha, Sister Sue takes on most of the responsibilities of an ordained pastor but relies on Father Emmanuel Tizhe, the Sacramental Minister, to offer the sacraments. 

Father Emmanuel Tizhe, front and Bishop Steven J. Raica

Father Emmanuel Tizhe, front, and Bishop Steven J. Raica bless the assembly.

“At one time this was a totally Native parish,” Sister Sue explained. “Now we have some Native and some non-Native [parishioners].” She added that years ago, several Native parishioners left when they were wrongly told that they had to choose between Catholicism and following Native American spirituality. Many have since returned, she added. “We try to engage Native spirituality as much as we can in hopes that more will come back.”

Sister Sue said the first challenge in her ministry is being patient. “You have to gain the trust of the Native American people – which took a few months – and keep a balance between the two communities,” she said. “The non-Native parishioners love the Native American rituals and are very supportive of the Native community.”

She especially treasures Thursday nights, when anybody is welcome to come for dinner. “A lot of Native Americans come who do not come for Sunday Mass,” Sister Sue explained. “I get to talk to a broader group of Native Americans. I get to hear their stories of growing up here. It’s a whole different atmosphere, getting to know the Native American people and the non-Native.”

The Spirit Lake Drummers enhance the music and the Native American spirituality during the anniversary Mass.

Sister Sue has felt drawn to the Native American peoples since fourth grade when, during a visit to her aunt, she stopped at a drug store in Stevens Point, Wisconsin. She saw a Native American man standing by the drug store, observing everything around him. When she came out of the drug store, he was still there. “I saw a little smile in his eyes,” Sister Sue recalled. Since then, she said, she attended every Native American experience that she could.

Sister Sue had the opportunity to serve the Native American population when she responded to the call of Sister Donna Markham, OP, then Prioress of the Congregation, to minister to the people of the Archdiocese of Keewatin-Le Pas, Manitoba, Canada. She stayed in that ministry for six years and, after she returned to the United States, responded to a call to serve at St. Kateri Tekakwitha Parish. “God has led me in the right way,” she said. “When one ministry was closing, another opened up.” 

The parish is named after St. Kateri Tekakwitha (1656-1680), the “Lily of the Mohawks,” who was converted to Christianity by Jesuit missionaries. She chose a life of virginity dedicated to Jesus and spent the last five years of her life in the Jesuit mission south of Montreal. Her baptismal name, Kateri, is in honor of the great Dominican saint, St. Catherine of Siena.


Feature photo at top: Penny Concannon smudges Bishop Steven J. Raica of Gaylord, Michigan, during a special Mass celebrating the 160th Anniversary of St. Kateri Tekakwitha Parish.


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July 5, 2018, Adrian, Michigan – Adrian Dominican Sisters added their voices to thousands of others on June 30 as they participated in Families Belong Together marches throughout the United States. Demonstrations throughout the nation protested the U.S. immigration policy that has separated children from their parents at the U.S.-Mexico border as the families attempted to enter the United States without formal documents. 

A small group of activists gathers in front of the ICE building in Detroit before moving on to other rallies in the Detroit area.

Sister Corinne Florek was one of about 2,000 people to attend a rally at Lake Merritt in Oakland, California. “It was inspiring because most of the speakers were young children,” she recalled. “They reminded us of the children’s march during the fight for civil rights. One girl spoke of her father being taken by ICE and how that affected her.” 

Sisters Mary Trzasko, OP, and Beverly Stark, OP, were present at the rally in Charleston, South Carolina. Sister Beverly made the connection between the current immigration issue and the history of slavery in the U.S. South. “We gathered on and all around the steps of the Court House in Charleston, South Carolina, which is only a few blocks away from where slaves were bought and sold and families separated,” she said. “It was wrong and cruel then and it’s wrong and cruel today.”

About 20 Adrian Dominican Sisters were present for the rally in Adrian. Sister Kathleen Nolan, OP, Director of the Congregation’s Office of Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation, noted that the people of Adrian have been consistently attending rallies calling for social justice – from the Poor People’s Campaign and March for our Lives to the June 30 Families Belong Together March. “There was a lot of enthusiasm,” she said. “It was very encouraging.” The rally began at 11:00 a.m., and by noon, the crowd had grown to 150.

Sisters Judith Rimbey, OP, second from right, and Patricia Leonard, OP, right, participate in the rally in West Palm Beach, Florida.

“The rally was very well attended in spite of the heat,” said Sister Annette Sinagra, OP, who also attended the march in Adrian. “It was a great support for the children and families that have suffered so very much under the cruel policies of [President] Trump.”

Sister Esther Kennedy, OP, also joined the Adrian march.  “I was grateful for everyone who came. I also appreciated the cars that went by and honked…in support of immigration reform.”

Sister Esther spoke of her own motive for attending the rally. “We can feel overwhelmed in these kinds of situations, like there’s nothing we can do,” she said. “I do not want to be silent. I must put my body, my heart, my spirit, to join with others, and it’s not just in protest, but in remembering the core values this democracy was founded on. There have been times in our American history when we have not protested enough. I don’t want this to be one of those times.” 

Sister Kathleen believes the message of the rally in Adrian goes beyond the call for an end to cruel separation of families at the border. The underlying message of the June 30 rally and the other recent rallies is the same. “There’s a consistent message that voting in November is going to be very, very important,” she said. “We need to get out the vote in November because that’s the only way we’re going to make any changes.”

The Families Belong Together rally in Saginaw, Michigan, on July 2, 2018.

Sister Cheryl Liske, OP, a community organizer, attended the Families Belong Together Rally on July 2 in Saginaw, Michigan. She accompanied members of the Ezekiel Project of Saginaw, one of four organizations that were called upon to speak during the rally. About half of the people who attended the rally then went to the office of Rep. John Moolenaar (R-Mich.) to present a cage full of toys for the children at the border. The action was in reference to reports that children at the border had been put into cages.

Sister Virginia “Ginny” King, OP, attended two rallies in the Detroit area, the first in front of the U.S. Immigrations and Customs Enforcement (ICE) building in Detroit. From there, she attended a related rally at the Hart Plaza in Detroit, traveling with “a small but diverse group,” she recalled.

Feature photo (top): Participating in the rally in Adrian are, from left, Sisters Joella Miller, OP; Maurine Barzantni, OP; Corinne Sanders, OP; Carmen Álvarez, OP; and Sara Fairbanks, OP.

Rally participants gather at the Court House in Charleston, South Carolina



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