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Statement of Adrian Dominican Sisters on White House Decision to Withdraw from Paris Climate Agreement
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June 1, 2017, Adrian, MichiganThe General Council of the Adrian Dominican Sisters issued the following statement in response to President Donald Trump’s decision to withdraw from the Paris Climate Agreement.

President Trump’s decision today to pull the United States out of the historic Paris Climate Agreement is politically, economically, and morally indefensible.

It diminishes our standing as a world leader, aligning us with Syria and Nicaragua as the only non-signatories to the landmark accord signed in December 2015 by 195 nations. It blunts our competitive edge in an emerging renewable-energy based global economy. And it threatens to condemn Earth, our common home, and future generations to potentially catastrophic climate change.

We Adrian Dominican Sisters intend to redouble our efforts, in union with concerned people around the world, to help create the “new and universal solidarity” that Pope Francis calls for in his encyclical, Laudato Si, and “cooperate as instruments of God for the care of creation.” (14)

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Avatar  Marylynn Kacir 8 years agoReply

Thank you for speaking out.

Avatar  Judi Engel 8 years agoReply

Thank you for giving a united voice to the thoughts and concerns shared by so many of us as individuals.

Avatar  Rev. Joy Christi Przestwor 8 years agoReply

Thank you for speaking out and standing for the values that help build up rather than tear down our Mother Earth. It is an honor to always see the community be boldly present in the "market place" and speak truth to power. Much love to all my sisters in ministry!

Avatar  Constantia Treppe OP 8 years agoReply

Thank you, Sisters, for speaking out on this crucial global issue . The USA has lost its leading place in the world

Avatar  Thomas Wassmer 8 years agoReply

Thank you ADS to put this incredible stupidity and irresponsibility so well and brief into words! Luckily, the entire world community stays behind the accord - even India does not seem to talk and walk the same line.

Avatar  Carol 8 years agoReply

Thank you for speaking on my behalf in opposition to this completely immoral and indefensible decision. The rest of the world is no longer laughing at us but crying tears of sadness and fear.

Avatar  Nancy Howe 8 years agoReply

I am running out of words for this President! Everyday he is doing or saying things that are hurting are economy, the relations among people-so divisive, his lies, his stupidity. I am ashamed and angered by this "man".

Avatar  Don Stone 8 years agoReply

The faithful must stand together with Pope Francis. Thank you for your courage and leadership.

Avatar  Ruth Heyn 8 years agoReply

Thank you! I join you in this effort

Avatar  Mary Anne McElmurry 8 years agoReply

This was not an informed decision! Big mistake!!!

Avatar  Marguerite Coneset 8 years agoReply

This decision by the President puts us years behind, we should be moving forward not backwards. We will have to do everything we can possible do to save our planet, we need to come together to help achieve the goals.je

Avatar  Jean McGrath 8 years agoReply

Sad day.

Avatar  M Jean Keeley 8 years agoReply

Thank you for this bold statement.MQvLt7

Avatar  Debbie Killewald 8 years agoReply

This man is evil!! I am happy to follow your lead!!



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