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May 31, 2022, Seattle, Washington – Sister Judy Byron, OP, director of the Northwest Coalition for Responsible Investment, recently spoke to the National Catholic Reporter’s Global Sisters Report about the need for stricter gun regulations in the wake of the recent mass shootings in Buffalo, New York, and Uvalde, Texas. She called on gun manufacturers to “step up” and to be more responsible in gun sales, and on legislators to enact measures such as universal background checks for people seeking to buy guns.

Sister Judy Byron, OP

Sister Judy has long been involved in the efforts to bring about common sense gun laws. An upcoming effort on June 1, 2022, is a shareholder resolution calling on gun manufacturers Sturm, Ruger, & Company, Inc., to oversee “a third party Human Right Impact Statement” that would recommend ways to improve “the human rights impacts of its policies, practices, and products, above and beyond legal and regulatory matters.”

The Global Sisters Report article also quoted a recent statement by the General Council of the Adrian Dominican Sisters in response to the mass shooting in Texas that took the lives of 19 children and two teachers.

Read the full Global Sisters Report article by Gail DeGeorge and Chris Herlinger.

May 2, 2022, Washington, D.C. – Pope Francis’ message of the need to reach out to people on the margins is “spiritually exhilarating” to those who work directly with people suffering from poverty and marginalization. That was the perspective of Sister Donna Markham, OP, PhD, who, as President and CEO of Catholic Charities USA, has dedicated her own life to reaching out to people in need.

Sister Donna Markham, OP

In an article in a recent issue of Our Sunday Visitor, Sister Donna said Pope Francis’ message was credible because of his own work with people in poverty. “His whole life in Latin America has put him face to face with people in abject poverty,” she told Our Sunday Visitor. “He knows how to engage with them.”

Sister Donna experienced the pope’s dedication to struggling people first-hand when, in September 2015, she accompanied him on a tour of agencies that serve people in poverty in New York and Washington, D.C. She was present for his visit to Catholic Charities, when he visited people who were homeless; for his address to the United Nations; and for his visit with immigrants at Queen of Angels School in Harlem. 

Read the article about Pope Francis and his concern for people suffering from poverty.


Feature photo: Pope Francis addresses dignitaries on the White House Lawn during his 2015 tour of the United States, including New York and Washington, D.C. The photo was taken by Sister Donna Markham, OP, PhD, President and CEO of Catholic Charities USA, who was invited to several events during the pope’s visit. Adrian Dominican Sisters File Photo



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