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February 2, 2022, Adrian, Michigan – The General Council of the Adrian Dominican Sisters issued the following statement in response to a series of bomb threats against historically Black colleges and universities.

We are horrified by the series of bomb threats that have closed down historically Black colleges and universities during the past month, including 16 yesterday, the first day of Black History Month. Although no bombs have been found, these terrifying and disruptive threats of violence against innocent students, faculty and staff are an assault against the foundational freedoms of our democracy – and a threat to us all. 

As women of faith, we stand in solidarity with our Black brothers and sisters at these iconic educational institutions, and call for a thorough investigation and prosecution of these despicable hate crimes. We pray that God’s loving care and protection surround and safeguard them against all harm, and for the conversion of all whose hearts are poisoned by hatred. 

Members of the Adrian Dominican Sisters’ General Council are Sisters Patricia Siemen, OP, Prioress; Mary Margaret Pachucki, OP, Vicaress and General Councilor; Frances Nadolny, OP, Administrator and General Councilor; and Patricia Harvat, OP, and Elise D. García, OP, General Councilors.

January 31, 2022, Adrian, Michigan – The Adrian Dominican Sisters and the Lenawee Intermediate School District (LISD) have entered into a partnership that would allow people interested in becoming Nursing Assistants to receive training through the LISD while working at the Sisters’ Dominican Life Center (DLC) as Nursing Assistant Companions. The DLC offers a continuum of care to retired Adrian Dominican Sisters, many of whom need daily medical care.

Heather Wanshon

Heather Wanshon, Recruiter for Adrian Dominican Sisters, said the Congregation will hire people as Nursing Assistant Companions, pay their Certified Nursing Assistant class tuition and pay in-class time while also working at the DLC. Once classes and training are complete, they will transition to Nursing Assistants, which includes a pay increase. Because the DLC is a private rather than a state-licensed facility, graduates of the LISD course do not need to complete the state exam for certification to continue working at the DLC as a Nursing Assistant, Heather added. 

Erin Dress

Erin Dress, Director of Human Resources, said the Adrian Dominican Sisters are looking to hire people who have a desire to care for the needs of others, but lack the training to work as a Nursing Assistant. This new partnership helps those with a heart for service to become trained, while gaining practical experience. 

“I’m excited about this partnership because it offers opportunities at so many levels,” Erin said. “The Sisters are such a big part of the Adrian community, but many people aren’t aware of the many employment opportunities on our campus. I see this as a great way to get the word out about the Adrian Dominican Sisters and to foster a partnership with the LISD.” The partnership also benefits people in the community who are interested in entering the field of health care but who may find tuition for the certified nursing assistant program to be out of reach financially, she added. 

Nursing Assistant Companions perform tasks that alleviate some of the work of the Nursing Assistants but don’t require professional training: assisting the Sisters during their meals, passing out water, changing bedding, and being a companion to the Sisters, Heather explained. Training through the LISD course will equip them to perform tasks performed by Nursing Assistants, such as measuring vitals and safety-sensitive direct care tasks. 

“We’re looking for people with an interest in the healthcare field,” Heather said. “This is an entry level position that a person with the right heart and attitude can get into – someone who’s caring and loves to help people.” 

Those interested in applying to be a Nursing Assistant Companion should visit www.adriandominicans.org/employment and click on the “View Jobs and Apply” tab or contact Heather at [email protected], 517-759-0130, or 517-266-4100. 



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