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October 13, 2021, Adrian, Michigan – The Adrian Dominican Sisters launched the fourth volume of the Congregation’s history, Seeds of Change: A History of the Adrian Dominican Sisters, 1962-1986, on October 7, 2021, during a program that outlined the four-year process and celebrated the publication of the book.

The book covers years of significant change in the Congregation, marked by the Sisters’ three-year Chapter of Renewal beginning in 1962 and their response to the Second Vatican Council’s call for women religious to return to their roots and to relate to the world.

Previous volumes of Adrian Dominican history are Amid the Alien Corn, written by Sister Mary Philip Ryan, OP, covering the earliest years of the Congregation; Seeds Scattered and Grown, 1924-1933, by Sister Nadine Foley, OP; and To Fields Near and Far, 1933-1961, by Sister Nadine and Associate Arlene Bachanov.

Sister Patricia Siemen, OP, Prioress of the Adrian Dominican Congregation, gives background information on the writing and production of the fourth history book, Seeds of Change.

Sister Patricia Siemen, OP, Prioress of the Congregation, welcomed participants attending in person and via live stream and gave background to the process of writing and producing the book. “It definitely ‘takes a village’ to accomplish such a significant task as writing and publishing a book such as this,” she said. 

Early in her term as Prioress, she saw the importance of “capturing the history of our renewal years while we had Sisters who lived through that period of our lives.” In the late fall of 2016, she invited Sister Mary Louise Putrow, OP, to author the book. Beginning in January 2017, Sister Mary Lou was assisted by an Editorial Advisory Board, chaired by Sister Anneliese Sinnott, OP, and made up of now deceased Sister Rosemary Ferguson, OP, and Sisters Maribeth Howell, OP, Janet Schaeffler, OP, Patricia Siemen, and General Councilor Elise García, OP. 

Sister Patricia also acknowledged the early work of the late Rose Celeste O’Connell, OP, and of Arlene Bachanov, Editorial Assistant; Marie Joy Finfera, OP, Secretary of the Congregation; Lisa Schell and Beverly Bobola, OP, of the Archive; and Angie Kessler and Ashley Duke, of Communications. 

An experienced researcher and writer, Sister Mary Lou said the process for Seeds of Change was unique. “This was corporate biography,” she said. “It was our story. The primary topic was who we were and who we came to be in a period of 25 years.” It was a period marked by a number of changes in the way the Sisters lived out their vocation. 

Sister Mary Lou summarized the years covered by Seeds of Change in this way: “The most all-encompassing change which generated all the others was our relationship with the world, the world many of us had renounced at our reception; it was the world with all its joys and sufferings we were now told to embrace.”

Sister Mary Louise Putrow, OP, left, author of Seeds of Change, and Associate Arlene Bachanov, Editorial Assistant, with copies of the book.

Arlene, a Co-worker in the History Office, spoke of her experience interviewing Sisters and editing Sister Mary Lou’s work. “I learned what it was like to be in the Deep South in the 1960s and to be in south Florida when the Cuban exodus was occurring, and to be in Detroit at the time of the riots,” she said. The interviews were “a real cross-section of the Congregation over those 25 years or so, and certainly pointed to the diversity of thought and experience that was enfolded into the Renewal years and their aftermath.”

On a personal note, Arlene said that her experience of working on the book and learning about the Congregation’s history has been “invaluable” to the work she does every day as a writer in the History Office. “I want you to know that helping tell your story, in whatever way I can do that, is not only my mission in the world, but it’s the great privilege of my life,” she said.

Sister Janet Wright, OP, spoke of her inspiration as she painted the picture that was used on the book cover. “The book cover illustration is always intended to signify, support, and somewhat reveal the work of the author(s),” she explained. “It was done out of love and respect for our Sisters and in gratitude to Mary Lou, Arlene, the Advisory Board, Sister Pat, and our archivists for the honor of participating in this work.”  

Seeds of Change is available for purchase ($15) from the Weber Center Shop, 517-266-4035 or [email protected].

View a recording of the book launch presentation below.


October 13, 2021, Morris Plains, New Jersey – For the sixth year, Sister Donna Markham, OP, PhD, has been named one of the Top 50 Power and Influence executives of nonprofit organizations by The NonProfit Times (NPT). The 50 were chosen from among 300 top executives and were recognized as initiators, innovators, and leaders who worked as “day-in, day-out executives,” according to The NonProfit Times.

The 50 honorees were feted recently at the National Press Club in Washington, D.C., at the Annual NPT Power and Influence Gala.

Sister Donna, the first woman to serve as President and CEO of Catholic Charities USA (CCUSA), was recognized for her commitment to immigrants. She is “one of the few nonprofit CEOs who went to the border on more than a photo-op tour,” according to Paul Cholery, Vice President and Editorial Director of NPT. “She and her network are showing how to care for detained immigrants.”

Immigration Advocacy and Refugee Services is one of the top priorities of CCUSA. Catholic Charities agencies around the country provide critical assistance to immigrants and refugees, as well as citizenship education and other services.

In April, Sister Donna traveled to the U.S.-Mexico border at El Centro, California, to get a sense of the situation at the border and to give her support to Catholic Charities workers struggling to meet the needs of the immigrants. Local Catholic Charities agencies set up shelters with food and clean clothes for immigrants coming out of detention and helped them get transportation to their friends or relatives in the United States.

“There’s no way you can look at that degree of human suffering and not be affected by it,” Sister Donna said. “My hat is off to the people in Catholic Charities who are doing this all the time, every day. Each one of them is a walking saint. They reach out in compassion and respect.”

Feature photo: Sister Donna Markham, OP, PhD, left, takes time to chat with William and his daughter, Julia, who came to the United States from Brazil during her recent visit to Catholic Charities shelters at the U.S.-Mexico border. 



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