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June 22, 2020, Adrian, Michigan – The General Council of the Adrian Dominican Sisters General Council supports the following statement of the Leadership Conference of Women Religious (LCWR) on the Supreme Court’s DACA ruling and the renewed commitment to the work of dismantling systems that oppress people of color.

The LCWR’s statement is as follows:

The Leadership Conference of Women Religious is grateful that the Supreme Court struck down President Trump's attempt to end Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA). The Court's ruling safeguards the right of 700,000 DACA recipients to live and work in the country that is their home. This is an enormous victory for the immigrant youth who have led the challenge to the Trump administration's attempt to end the program that has protected our colleagues, students, neighbors, and friends from the threat of deportation.

DACA recipients have long contributed to our communities and our economy. They are teachers and engineers, specialist and essential workers of every kind. Nearly 30,000 DACA recipients are among the healthcare workers combating the outbreak of COVID-19 working to prevent the spread of the virus and to save the lives of those infected.

While we welcome the Court's ruling, we recognize that this is not a permanent solution. We call on members of Congress to move expeditiously to pass legislation that will provide lasting stability for DACA recipients, those with Temporary Protected Status (TPS), and Dreamers, their families and our communities. It is long past time to enact a Dream Act that provides a path to citizenship without including funding for detention, deportation, or border militarization, or provisions that would limit opportunities for family reunification. The House of Representatives has already passed the bipartisan American Dream and Promise Act of 2019 (HR 6). It is time for the Senate to do the same.

Catholic sisters will continue to advocate for bipartisan legislation that addresses the injustices in our current immigration system. We will continue to stand in solidarity with our black and brown neighbors who seek the justice and dignity that is their right.

We note that this decision comes as Black people and their allies have courageously organized to demand an end to police brutality, systemic racism, and white supremacy. Our commitment to the gospel mandate to uphold the dignity of all people requires that we recommit ourselves to the work of dismantling all those systems that oppress people of color and to advocate for Black lives and the protection of immigrants.

(LCWR is an association of leaders of congregations of Catholic women religious in the United States. The conference has approximately 1350 members, who represent about 80 percent of the women religious in the United States. Founded in 1956, LCWR assists its members to collaboratively carry out their service of leadership to further the mission of the Gospel in today's world.)

Members of the Adrian Dominican Sisters General Council are Sisters Patricia Siemen, OP, Prioress; Frances Nadolny, OP, Administrator and General Councilor; Mary Margaret Pachucki, OP, Vicaress and General Councilor; and Patricia Harvat, OP, and Elise D. García, OP, General Councilors.

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June 19, 2020, Adrian, Michigan –Adrian Dominican Sisters recognized 40 Co-workers marking milestone anniversaries of service June 18, 2020, with the theme “Superhero Co-workers.” The Co-workers dedicated a total of 420 years of service to the Congregation. 

“Each year we choose a unique theme for our celebration,” said Erin Dress, Director of Human Resources. “Way back in November, when we began planning the event, we settled on the theme ‘ADS Super Heroes!’ Who knew how incredibly appropriate that would become during these unusual times?”

Because of these times, the usual celebration of a picnic and formal awards ceremony was replaced this year by a virtual celebration of the Co-workers via campus closed circuit TV and a congregational live stream. In addition, Co-workers from Human Resources placed yard signs depicting the years of service on the lawns of Co-workers throughout the area.

The following Co-workers marked milestone anniversaries this year.

35 years: Rowena Heck, Food Services, and Teresa Horn, Office of Information

30 years: Marilyn Paus, Weber Center, and Jan Perry, Dominican Life Center (DLC) Administration

20 years: Christine Bordner, Food Services; Melissa Comfort and Diane Howard, Nursing; and Joyce Wilhelm, Environmental Services

15 years: Sister Sandy Exley, OP, Resident Services; Barbara Watson, Environmental Services; and Mary Weeber, General Council Administration

10 years: Amanda Johns, Nursing; Michelle Kadrovach, Finance; Lori Randolph, Resident Services; and Sister Joan Sustersic, OP, Office of Information

5 years: Lacey Bales and Joel Henricks, Maintenance; Stacy Colley, Devin Horstman, Jennifer Mason, Jessica Novelo, Jodi O'Quinn, Sandy Place, Heather Ruskowsky, Christane Sarmiento, Sanya Wallace, Robyn Wellman, Vicki Wells, and Amanda Wilt, Nursing; Sister Peggy Coyne, OP, Health and Wellness; Jeanette Desgrange, Office Support; Beckie DuShane, Finance; Jennifer Jenkins, Pastoral Care; Rebecca Nichols and Kathi Serrato, Environmental Services; Amy Palmer and Jolene Witt, Development; Jennifer Perry, Weber Center; and Heather Warren and Jessica Willnow, Resident Services  

In addition, the Adrian Dominican Sisters recognized the milestone services of two Co-workers in Washington State: Margarita Landkamer, 15 years, and Martha Niehoff, 10 years. Edmonds, Washington, in the Seattle area, is the site of the Motherhouse of the former Edmonds Dominican Sisters, who merged with the Adrian Dominican Sisters in 2003.



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