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July 10, 2021, Adrian, Michigan – Sister Helen Cahill, OP, a Dominican Sister of Peace, offers A Fresh Look at Spirituality through the Lens of Cosmology during a live stream program, offered by Weber Retreat and Conference Center. The program is from 7:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. EDT Wednesday, July 28, 2021.

The workshop explores how our understanding of the universe, evolutionary consciousness, and images of God affect our self-understanding as we evolve into love. 

A resident of the St. Catharine Motherhouse in Kentucky, Sister Helen continues to offer spiritual direction and group supervision for formation personnel through Zoom for the Claret Center in Chicago, where she served for many years. She holds a Doctor of Ministry degree in spirituality from the Catholic Theological Union in Chicago.

The workshop is free, but donations are appreciated. Registration is required to receive the live stream link and is available at www.webercenter.org; click on “programs.” Registrations may also be made by contacting Weber Center at 517-266-4000 or [email protected]

Pat Daly, OP

July 2, 2021, Caldwell, New Jersey – Sister Patricia Daly, OP, a Caldwell, New Jersey, Dominican and a member of the Adrian Dominican Sisters’ Portfolio Advisory Board (PAB), was quoted in an article citing the recent victories of faith-based shareholder advocates in their work with three fossil fuel companies. 

In shareholder advocacy, peace and justice advocates purchase stock in corporations and thus have a voice in the corporation’s policies affecting the environment or other matters of social justice. The shareholder advocates won the day in shareholder meetings of ExxonMobil, Chevron Corporation, and Royal Dutch Shell. “It’s like the Earth has moved. Corporate America has shifted,” Sister Pat was quoted as saying in an Earthbeat article by Brian Roewe. 

Read the entire article, Bad Day for Big Oil is big climate win for religious shareholder advocates



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