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October 10, 2024, Adrian, Michigan – About 47 people – Adrian Dominican Associates and a few Sisters – attended the first in-person Associate Life retreat in years at Weber Retreat and Conference Center.
Adrian Dominican Associates are women and men at least 18 years of age who make a non-vowed commitment to partner with the Adrian Dominican Sisters and to live out their call to the Dominican Charism. While maintaining their own lifestyles and financial independence, they participate in various spiritual, social, and ministerial experiences with the Sisters.
The retreat focused on the new cosmology – or the new understanding of the universe – and the Dominican Charism. Prioress Elise D. García, OP, broke open the theme on the evening of October 4, 2024, as she welcomed the Associates and spoke of how her spirituality has been shaped by insights from the new cosmology. The vastness of the universe “expands the horizons of my inner landscape, my spiritual landscape,” she said.
These insights have caused writers and theologians since the late 20th Century to “revisit assumptions derived from a 300-year-old view of the universe as a static, hierarchically organized universe,” Sister Elise said. Many people now, she said, have come to see the “deep interconnectedness of all life and understanding our place in the universe as a self-aware, conscious species.”
The Dominican Charism “deeply grounds us into the search [for truth] and into what we’re learning,” Sister Elise said. “We take this learning from study and we integrate it into our prayer, into our hearts, into our Spirit-filled acts. All of those elements of the Dominican Charism fit well with the new cosmology.”
The Dominican Charism was again the focus on Saturday, October 5, when the retreat participants gathered for a reflection by Associate Nancy Mason Bordley, Director of the Adrian Dominican Sisters Office of Dominican Charism. She compared the Dominican family to a family kitchen or dining room table.
“There’s room for everyone,” Nancy said, adding that this Dominican table is held up by the four Dominican values – or pillars – of study, community, prayer, and ministry. “I like to think of the four legs holding up and supporting the holy preaching,” a distinct call of members of the Dominican family. “We preach from the pulpit of our lives. We use our individual gifts to meet the needs of the world around us.”
Nancy also emphasized the wider role of Dominicans as followers of Jesus. “As Dominicans, we’re people of Christ’s table,” she said. “Christ’s table is open, inclusive, uniting, invitational, and always diverse. Making room at the table is an ongoing mission for all people of God.”
Finally, Nancy issued a challenge to the participants to take up their individual roles in the Dominican family while facing the changes that will take place in the future – for both the Dominican Sisters and the Associates. “Each person in this room has received a very specific and sacred call from God,” she said. “Each of us is called to the charism and to promote our beautiful Dominican future.”
The afternoon session included a discussion by Patricia Siemen, OP, on the call of the Adrian Dominican Sisters’ General Chapter 2022 Spiritualty Enactment to attend to “the evolutionary awakening of human consciousness.” Scientific studies show that humanity is a species with self-conscious awareness, she said. “Some quantum physicists say now that the fundamental reality of the universe may indeed be consciousness – a consciousness that is embedded in matter and energy.”
Sister Patricia said that keeping this consciousness alive requires “a daily practice of silence, of engagement in contemplative practice and a mindfulness practice that helps us to stay in touch.”
This consciousness has shifted her spirituality and understanding of God, who is present in this transformational consciousness. “Acknowledging the presence of a God who moves before us and yet the call to an ever-loving consciousness is the one thing that seems certain,” Sister Patricia said. “It’s the call of our soul to awaken to the sense of Holy Mystery, whose desire is to call us into ever-deepening relationship.”
Esther Kennedy, OP, followed up with a presentation on mindfulness and the transformation of human consciousness. She described her own journey toward consciousness and mindfulness, which began when, as a chaplain at County Hospital in Chicago, she realized that she needed to come to grips with the suffering she witnessed in patients and their families. The only book on suffering that she could find was a handbook written by Buddha for his followers. “It was an opening to consciousness in how to deal with my life and to find my place in it,” she said.
Pointing to the great need for the transformation of human consciousness and the practice of mindfulness, Sister Esther quoted Eckhart Tolle, author of “The Power of Now: “The transformation of human consciousness is no longer a luxury… but a necessity if humankind is not to destroy itself. At the present time, the dysfunction of the old consciousness and the arising of the new are both accelerating.”
Sister Esther pointed with hope to the “millions of small groups” who gather in service to the world through their transformed consciousness. While the world situation is awful in places of war and strife, “there are millions of people right now in service who are waking up to the goodness inside.”
The final day of the retreat offered the Associates one final time to gather and to share their insights from the weekend. The Associates concluded their time together by attending Mass at St. Catherine Chapel with the Motherhouse community.
For information on becoming an Adrian Dominican Associate, contact Associate Nancy Mason Bordley at 517-266-3534 or [email protected].
Caption for above photo: Participants in the Associate Life Retreat take time out for a group photo.
September 19, 2024, Adrian, Michigan – “If you can see it, you can be it” reads a line from the popular children’s book, What You Can See, You Can Be by David A. Anderson.
Sister Cheryl Liske, OP, referred to that line in her reflection during a special September 3, 2024, Mass celebrating the Feast of St. Phoebe, Deacon, at St. Catherine Chapel on the Adrian Dominican Sisters Motherhouse Campus.
For centuries, Christians have not typically seen or heard about St. Phoebe, a deacon of the early Christian Church at Cenchreae near Corinth. She was proclaimed a deacon by St. Paul in Romans 16:1-2 – yet Catholics seldom hear St. Paul’s commendation of her to the Romans.
But now, thanks to an icon of St. Phoebe, Deacon, written by Sister Cheryl and donated to the Adrian Dominican Sisters Motherhouse, visitors will be able to see St. Phoebe and remember her function as a deacon in the church at Cenchreae. The icon was blessed during the Mass celebrating her Feast Day.
Sister Cheryl’s reflection was based on the Mass readings for St. Phoebe, Romans 16:1-2 and Matthew 26:6-13, in which a woman approaches Jesus during dinner and anoints his head with expensive oil – to the condemnation of many. Through the years, Catholics have very seldom heard these readings proclaimed – in spite of St. Paul’s presentation of St. Phoebe to the Church of Rome and Jesus’ proclamation that “wherever this gospel is preached in the whole world, what she has done will be told in memory of her” (Mt 26:13), Sister Cheryl said.
Sister Cheryl said her icon portrays St. Phoebe at the port in Corinth, “ready to set sail for Rome as Paul’s ambassador to the church there, where she will not only deliver the letter but probably read it out to people assembled in local house churches.” Just as St. Paul commends Phoebe to the Romans, he commends her to us in a special way, she added.
During her reflection, Sister Cheryl also spoke on the use of icons throughout Christian history. After the creation of images was banned in 754, Empress Theodora restored the veneration of icons in the year 843, Sister Cheryl said.
“From then on, Christians have a unique relationship to the art of image making due to the theology of incarnation,” Sister Cheryl explained. “The belief that God took on human flesh while remaining fully God and fully human empowers Christians to image the Redeemer and saints without fear.”
Sister Cheryl was inspired years ago to create icons when she realized that Dominicans know so little of the first women in St. Dominic’s convent in Prouilhe, France. “I started a drawing of the first women of Prouilhe, and then I realized I was in way over my head if I didn’t take some classes on iconography,” she recalled.
She took an icon-painting workshop in San Antonio in 2019, learning the various techniques – even in laying down the paint layers and choosing the board. “It always moves from dark to the light,” Sister Cheryl explained. “Icon spirituality is moving from chaos to the light of the world.”
Sister Cheryl said it takes a lot of time for her to create an icon, beginning with researching the person who is being represented. In the case of St. Phoebe, Sister Cheryl had to look into the way that upper-class women of St. Phoebe’s time dressed and how they looked.
Through this research, icons also give form or a new form to images of God and the saints, Sister Cheryl explained. “They’re simply images that point to other things.” Although she hasn’t yet created the icon of the first women of Prouilhe, she painted various other icons: of St. Augustine, St. Monica, St. David, and now St. Phoebe. “I want to make them real so that people can relate to them,” she said.
Using the standardized symbolism of iconography, Sister Cheryl depicted St. Phoebe holding a scroll, a symbol of her call to proclaim the Word of God. “Here as a woman who not only led a house church, but she was a benefactor of St. Paul,” she said. “She was an important woman, and I think that’s important for women today to see. Being a minister in the Church is not a choice out of scarcity but it’s a choice of people with talent and expertise, called to serve God’s ministry.”
For Sister Cheryl, creating icons is a form of preaching – and it is recognized as such by iconographers. “There’s an anointing of the hands of the icon painter and a prayer to be worthy, and a prayer that the people who gaze on the icon will benefit from seeing the icon,” she said.
“Icons expand your vision of who can represent God and saints and holiness,” she added. “I think that that’s the spirituality I’m looking towards. My way of acting is to create some icons that haven’t been seen before so people can see who God is in a different light.”
She encouraged anybody interested in taking up iconography to attend workshops because of the resulting sense of community. “There are people who talk about and do icons who have a deep spirituality, and it’s a good group to be with,” she added.
Caption for above photo: Sister Cheryl Liske, OP, with her icon of St. Phoebe, Deacon