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February 13, 2017, Rome, Italy – The Adrian Dominican Sisters are grateful for the service of Sister Celestina Veloso Freitas, OP, who in August will be completing her term as the International Promoter of Justice and Peace for Dominican Sisters International (DSI).

As Sister Celestina finished out her term, DSI, an international movement of Dominican Sisters of the apostolic life, is seeking a new International Promoter of Justice and Peace. The term will begin on September 1, 2017, and conclude August 31, 2020. 

“We’re so grateful to Celestina, fondly known as ‘Tina’ to many of us, for her service as the Promoter of Justice and Peace for Dominican Sisters International,” said Sister Patricia Siemen, OP, Prioress of the Adrian Dominican Sisters. “Tina worked diligently around the world to integrate concerns about the integrity of creation into the Order’s peace and justice agenda. She collaborated intentionally with Margaret Mayce, OP, our UN representative, and was tireless in coordinating our international response as Dominican Sisters to many issues, including the Paris UN Climate Conference in 2015. We wish Tina every blessing as she moves forward.”

The Promoter works to secure awareness among Dominican Sisters worldwide that the promotion of justice, peace, and the integrity of creation are constitutive elements of the Dominican vocation to preach the Gospel. She is also expected to collaborate closely with the Promoter for Peace and Justice of the Dominican Friars, the Order’s permanent delegate to the United Nations, and the Continental Promoters of Justice and Peace. 

Qualifications include work and life experience beyond one’s culture of origin; knowledge and practice of Catholic social teaching; and excellent oral and written communication skills in at least two of the official languages of DSI. For a detailed description of the position and its requirements, contact Sister Therese Marie Clement, OP, International Coordinator, at [email protected].

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February 13, 2017, Ponchatoula, Louisiana – The life and character of St. Catherine of Siena came to life for the Dominican Laity associated with the Southern Province. Sister Nancy Murray, OP, performed her one-woman portrayal of the Dominican mystic, reformer, and Doctor of the Church February 3 at Rosaryville Spirit-Life Center in Ponchatoula, Louisiana. In an interview with Judy Bergeron of The Advocate, Sister Nancy describes the life of St. Catherine of Siena, her own life, and her ministry of bringing St. Catherine to life. Read the article.



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