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October 30, 2015, Adrian, Michigan – Thanks to an initiative undertaken by Sister Jodie Screes, the Adrian Dominican Sisters began a weekly series of videotaped interviews with Sisters in residence at the Dominican Life Center. Titled, “Our Dominican Lives: A Sister’s Story,” the series launched with interviews of Sister Mary Arnold Benedetto and Sister Rosemary Conlon. The interviews capture the richness and diversity of Dominican lives.

Full-length interviews (approximately 30 minutes each) are available for viewing on the Adrian Dominican Sisters’ YouTube channel under the title “Our Dominican Lives: A Sister’s Story.”

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October 25, 2015, New York City, New YorkThe Wall Street Journal interviewed Sister Donna Markham, OP – former Prioress of the Adrian Dominican Sisters and the first female President and CEO of Catholic Charities USA. The interview touches on an array of topics, including Sister Donna’s vision for Catholic Charities, funding and legislative challenges, female leadership within the Catholic Church, and Pope Francis’ recent visit to the United States. Read The Wall Street Journal’s article by Melanie West.

Recently, Sister Donna Markham was also one of three panel participants at an October 22 discussion at Georgetown University. The panel discussion, titled “Women Taking the Lead: Acting on Pope Francis’ Message,” included Sister Donna Markham along with Carolyn Woo, President of Catholic Relief Services, and Sister Carol Keehan, a Daughter of Charity of St. Vincent de Paul, who heads the Catholic Health Association. Sister Donna Markham spoke to female leadership and the importance of collaboration. Read Mark Zimmermann’s article in the Catholic Standard.



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