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Adrian Dominican Leaders Urge State Officials to take Immediate Steps to Protect Area Waterways
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September 14, 2017, Adrian, Michigan – Citing recent tests that showed the presence of microcystin, a dangerous toxin, in a creek that feeds Lake Adrian, and elevated levels of other harmful nutrients in area waterways, the General Council of the Adrian Dominican Sisters urged elected officials in Michigan to take immediate enforcement and regulatory steps to protect those waterways and ensure the safety of the city’s drinking water.

The September 11, 2017, letter was addressed to Michigan Governor Rick Snyder, State Senator Dale Zorn (R-District 17), and State Representative Bronna Kahle (R-District 57), with copies sent to elected officials of Adrian and officials of the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality (MDEQ) and the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).

“We urge that you take immediate steps to enforce existing regulations limiting total E. coli loads in our waterways and act to establish limits for other harmful nutrients under the impaired declaration of Michigan’s Lake Erie waters,” the General Council wrote. 

The letter cited tests conducted by Environmentally Concerned Citizens of South Central Michigan on Aug. 17, which found the presence of microcystin in Wolf Creek, a waterway that feeds into Lake Adrian, one of the city’s primary sources of drinking water. Microcystin, even in small amounts, can pose a serious health threat, causing vomiting, diarrhea, and liver-function problems. Microcystin was the source of Toledo’s water crisis in 2014, when nearly half a million people lost their drinking water for numerous days.

A total of seven samples were taken from the north/mid-portion of Lenawee County’s South Branch of the River Raisin watershed, including sites in Wolf and Bear Creeks. All seven samples contained cattle DNA and cyanobacteria. Microcystin was found in three samples, two in Wolf Creek. Additionally, E. coli amounts were above safe levels for even partial body contact in six of the samples, along with excessive levels of orthophosphate and ammonia. Findings of the test are at available at http://nocafos.org/water-sampling-data.

In light of the presence of cattle DNA in all samples, the General Council called on the elected officials to “establish comprehensive and effective waste management regulations” of industrial cattle operations, and to put an end to taxpayer subsidies of Confined Animal Feeding Operations (CAFOs). “Current CAFO permit regulations and voluntary best-management practices are clearly failing to protect Michigan waterways, putting the health and well-being of Michiganders at risk,” the Sisters wrote.

Serving on the General Council are Sisters Patricia Siemen, OP, Prioress; Sister Mary Margaret Pachucki, OP, Vicaress and General Councilor; Fran Nadolny, OP, Administrator and General Councilor; and Patricia Harvat, OP, and Elise D. García, OP, General Councilors.


Feature photo: Photo by NOAA (Public Domain) - Microcystis bloom in Hamilton Harbor, Lake Ontario, taken on Aug. 18, 2006.

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Avatar  rice purity test 7 months agoReply

The findings about the presence of microcystin and other contaminants are very worrying, directly affecting the health of the community. Hopefully, officials will quickly deploy strict control and treatment measures to protect this precious water source.

Avatar  Linda Deatrick 6 years agoReply

The citizens of Adrian want to thank you for your letter and also invite representatives from your general council to attend the city commission meeting 7:00 Monday, Nov. 19 at Adrian City Hall. We need your help as we've not had drinking water for months. Please help if you can.



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