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Forum Focuses on Building a Sustainable Resilient Community
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August 15, 2019, Adrian, Michigan – Experts in building a sustainable resilient community are sharing their knowledge during a symposium Monday, September 16, 2019. “Growing Resiliency: A Forum on Building a Sustainable Resilient Community,” is from 9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. at Weber Retreat and Conference Center.

The program, developed by the Adrian Dominican Sisters Offices of Resilient Communities and Sustainability, advances the Congregation’s commitment to mitigate its impact on climate change and to partner to create resilient communities. This symposium will explore practical means toward building environmental sustainability.

Nancy Tuchman, PhD, Founding Dean of the Institute of Environmental Sustainability at the Loyola University-Chicago, leads participants in their exploration of the current health of Earth and in discovering new ways to live in communion with Earth. Her vision is to raise public awareness of the unsustainable consumption of Earth’s natural resources and, in doing so, to transform behavior, develop policy, and inspire the next generation of science-based environmental leaders.

Dr. Tuchman will be joined by Marcia Caton Campbell, Hedi Rudd, and Sarah Karlson of Madison, Wisconsin.  Marcia is Executive Director of the Center for Resilient Cities, which cultivates robust and thriving urban communities that are healthy, just, economically viable and environmentally sound. Hedi and Sarah work together at the Badger Rock Center, where Hedi is Director of the Neighborhood Center and Sarah is Farm Manager and Garden Educator.

Registration is $30 and includes lunch. Register online at www.webercenter.org (click on "Programs") or contact Weber Center at 517-266-4000 or [email protected]

Event Flyer (PDF)

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Avatar  Judy Sage 6 years agoReply

Donna..As things grow more toward Peace under your Direction as CEO of Catholic Charities as Adrian Dominican Leader, I recognize the exceptional influence you have made in changing things for the better. Please keep me in your prayers for services that I need right here in Aurora IL. I remember our days in the Novitiate together when we shared our Faith as young women. I have changed my small corner of the world too but at dear price to my health and reputation. If Catholic Charities could offer me some assistance now, I will be forever grateful to you and Catholic Charities in Illinois.
You make the Adrian Dominicans and Catholics very proud.



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