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Parish Group that Partners with Parishes in Haiti Writes Letter to the Editor Decrying Falsehood
Older woman with white hair, red eyeglasses, and a blue blouse stands behind a lectern.

September 27, 2024, Winter Park, Florida – Members of the Haiti Ministry at St. Mary Margaret Catholic Parish in Winter Park, Florida, wrote a letter to the editor of The Orlando Sentinel and The Springfield (Ohio) News-Sun. In the letter, the committee notes their involvement for 18 years in partnership with parishes in Haiti, uplifting and empowering their communities. Noting that their brothers and sisters in Haiti “deserve our respect,” the committee writes, “It is heartbreaking to witness the recent attacks on the Haitian community in Springfield, Ohio, which were fueled by false claims and baseless accusations about their legal status.”

Sister Rosemary Finnegan, OP, (pictured above) is a long-time member of the parish’s Haitian Ministry.

Read the letter to the editor in The Orlando Sentinel 

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