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Sister Mary Jane Lubinski, OP, Finds Hope in Unaccompanied Immigrant Boys

June 24, 2021, San Antonio, Texas – In what might seem a place of desperation – a coliseum filled with cots for teen-age boys who fled their native countries, unaccompanied, to begin a new life in the United States – Sister Mary Jane Lubinski, OP, found hope. In response to an invitation by the Leadership Conference of Women Religious (LCWR) and Catholic Charities USA, Sister Mary Jane was one of several Sisters who traveled to the U.S.-Mexico border to minister to immigrants newly released from detention and ready to be reunited with their families or sponsors in the United States. She reflects on her volunteer ministry to some of the 2,000 boys who were temporarily housed in the Freeman Coliseum in San Antonio. Read the Global Sisters Report article, compiled by Dan Stockman. Scroll half-way down to read Sister Mary Jane’s reflection.

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Avatar  Alice Soto last yearReply

Dear M.J.,
Was on a recent ZOOM and saw that you were on the listening session. I have had you in mind over the years and so happy to see your smiling face has not changed. Of course you seek to minister to the most vulnerable of people - the immigrant. I too, have continued with works of social justice. Presently I work with the Sisters of St. Joseph of Orange as a member of their Social Justice Committee and one of the key issues is Immigration. Legislative advocacy is where my energy goes. I would enjoy reconnecting with you if care to do so.
In mind and heart,



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