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Statement of Adrian Dominican Sisters on U.S. Withdrawal from Iran Nuclear Deal
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May 8, 2018 — The General Council of the Adrian Dominican Sisters has issued the following statement in response to President Donald Trump’s decision on May 8, 2018, to withdraw from the Iran Nuclear Deal.

The Adrian Dominican Sisters decry the Trump Administration’s decision to withdraw the United States from the Iran nuclear deal. Despite its flaws, the multilateral deal is widely recognized as having achieved its goal of preventing Iran from continuing to develop its nuclear weapons capacity. 

This imprudent, destabilizing action not only threatens to bring back the specter of a nuclear-armed Iran, but also further isolates the United States from global leadership, raises tensions among allies, and sows discord among adversaries. 

“Blessed are the peacemakers!” (Mt 5:9)

As women of faith, we call upon our nation’s elected leaders to act judiciously to mitigate the deleterious effects of this decision. May their actions be, as the Prophet Isaiah proclaimed, “like streams of water in a dry place, like the shade of a great rock in a weary land.” (Isaiah 32:2)

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Avatar  Robert Rohn 6 years agoReply

Please stop embarrassing us real catholics with your letters to editor in the telegram, you come accross as the catholic in name only leftist that you are. If you were informed you'd know the Iran deal was terrible and your beloved obama gave Iran 2 pallets of $$ 2 days before he left office which emboldened them to keep building their arsenal. Prayers that you all go to cofession which none of you have probably done in 40 years and come back to the catholic church.

Avatar  Frank Hanrahan 6 years agoReply

Robert sounds like he has been watching FOX news only. The money Obama gave to Iran was Iran's money that the U.S. was holding in a freeze until Iran moved closer to an agreement. Iran is still going to build nuclear arms, but the agreement President Obama, and 5 other nations agreed to with Iran put off their nuclear development for ten (10) years. Now with our stupid and reckless president killing the deal, Iran can start the program up again. The U.N. inspectors have made numerous inspections and concur that Iran had been sticking to the agreement. Now what? Expand your news intake Robert, read.

Avatar  Sister Mary Cart 6 years agoReply

I pray that this decision will not be danderous.

Avatar  suzanne johnson 6 years agoReply

I totally agree with what the Adrian Dominican Community has stated. Opening the door to possible nuclear weapon making is not what is needed. We are called to act justly,love mercy and walk humbly with God. Speaking truth to power!!!!!!!

Avatar  Kathleen Voss 6 years agoReply

My heart sings out in our cry for justice from our elected leadership.



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