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Statement of Leaders of Catholic Sisters of Michigan
Adrian Dominican Sisters Logo

November 3, 2022, Adrian, MichiganThe elected leadership of six congregations of Catholic Sisters in Michigan issued the following statement, addressing the divisiveness of national elections.

We decry the violent divisiveness that is characterizing our upcoming national elections, threatening the fundamentals of our democratic system of self-governance and the right of individuals to vote their conscience. We call on people of good will throughout our state to honor and respect the human dignity of every person who exercises the right to vote in accordance with his or her own life experience and God-given conscience.

The elected leaders of the following Michigan congregations of Catholic Sisters issued the above statement:

Congregation of St. Joseph (Kalamazoo)
Dominican Sisters of Adrian (Adrian)
Dominican Sisters of Grand Rapids (Grand Rapids)
Servants of Jesus (Detroit)
Sisters of Mary Reparatrix (Detroit)
Sisters, Servants of the Immaculate Heart of Mary (Monroe)

Members of the General Council of the Adrian Dominican Sisters are Sisters Elise D. García, OP, Prioress; Lorraine Réaume, OP, Vicaress; and Corrine Sanders, OP, Janice Brown, OP, and Bibiana Colasito, OP. 

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Avatar  slither io 9 months agoReply

I believe that with the information you share, it will bring a lot of value to the readers and I hope that they will absorb the good and useful things.

Avatar  Deb Carter last yearReply

Thank you for expressing what so many of us feel!



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