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Students from 14 Dominican High Schools Attend 22nd Annual Preaching Conference
Students begin the closing Mass of the preaching conference with an energetic liturgical dance.

August 3, 2023, Adrian, Michigan – The Adrian Dominican Motherhouse and Siena Heights University campuses were alive in late August with the energy and enthusiasm of students and mentors from 14 Dominican high schools across the United States. The students came to Adrian to learn more about the Dominican Charism during the 22nd Annual High Schools Preaching Conference.

Sister Katherine Frazier, OP, Executive Director of the Dominican Youth Movement, offers a reflection during the closing Liturgy.

Members of the Dominican family – Sisters, Friars, Associates, and Laity – also participated in the Conference as presenters, leaders, and volunteers. Adrian Dominican Sisters serving as prayer partners for the students had the unique opportunity to meet the students during an ice cream social at the Motherhouse. 

Read more about the preaching conference in a press release by Sister Katherine Frazier, OP, Executive Director of the Dominican Youth Movement (DYM). Programs offered by the DYM include the Dominican High Schools Preaching Conference, the National College “Preaching in Action” Conference, and Dominican Young Adults USA.


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Avatar  Brenda A. Waters 11 months agoReply

It's great to see Sister Jaimie Phelps is doing carrying on in her wonderful ministry. Thanks to all the Adrian Dominicans for all your hard work and dedication. I am a gracious receiver of all your efforts. God Bless You and Keep You.

Musically Yours,
Brenda A. Waters
St. Joseph Maumee &
Our Lady of Perpetual Help Toledo Ohio



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