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By Sister Kathleen McGrail, OP, Vice President, Mission Integration and Spiritual Care

August 28, 2015, Henderson, Nevada -- The three campuses of St. Rose Dominican celebrated the Feast of St. Rose of Lima on August 24. Because she is the patroness of all three hospitals (Rose de Lima, Siena, San Martin), St. Rose’s feast day provides the opportunity to celebrate in a special way. 

Members of the Mission Integration and Spiritual Care departments, along with other volunteers, go throughout the hospitals with oil, offering to bless the hands, and the work of their hands, of each staff member and physician. Teams also go to the off-site settings: WomenCare Centers, Foundation, and other offices and medical practices.  Various blessings are used, such as: “Through the intercession of St. Rose of Lima, may the work of your hands bring healing, wholeness, and peace to everyone you touch this day; and may you in turn receive blessing for all you do in God’s name. Amen.”

This hand blessing is a long-standing tradition very much appreciated and anticipated by employees. When those who are blessing go to the units and departments, sometimes the staff gathers, something of the life and spirit of St. Rose might be shared, and each person’s hands are blessed.

The employees are also given a card or bookmark of St. Rose. For this year’s bookmark, the depiction of St. Rose was drawn by a member of the nutrition staff at the Rose de Lima Campus.

As true Dominicans, we are always ready to celebrate!

In addition to their feast day, the Siena Campus also continued to celebrate their new tower, blessed this summer. Teressa Conley, Chief Operating Officer of Siena Campus, was interviewed on a local television news program. Watch the interview, which occurs right after the weather forecast.


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