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Rosarian Academy Celebrates Mass and Ceremony of Sponsorship Transition
Attending the Ceremony of Sponsorship Transition at Rosarian Academy are, from left, Dr. Linda Trethewey, Head of School; Sister Corinne Sanders, OP, General Councilor; Sister Mary Margaret Pachucki, OP, representing Dominican Veritas Ministries; Sister Judith Rimbey, OP; and Nicholas Coniglio, Chairman of Rosarian Academy’s Board of Directors.

By Will Searcy
Marketing Director, Rosarian Academy

October 11, 2023, West Palm Beach, Florida – During its annual Spirit Week, Rosarian Academy celebrated the Mass and its Ceremony of Sponsorship Transition, marking the transfer of canonical sponsorship from the Adrian Dominican Congregation to the newly formed Dominican Veritas Ministries. 

In attendance in the theater were Sister Corinne Sanders, OP, General Councilor of the Adrian Dominican Sisters; Adrian Dominican Sister Mary Margaret Pachucki, OP, a member of the Dominican Veritas Ministries Board of Directors; Nicholas Coniglio, Chairman of the Rosarian Academy Board of Directors; Dr. Linda Trethewey, Rosarian Academy Head of School; and Rosarian Academy board members, faculty, staff, parents, and students. 

The Mass began with a procession led by participants carrying banners representing the Adrian Dominican Sisters, Rosarian Academy, and Dominican Veritas Ministries, followed by the altar servers and the presider, Father Brian King. After the homily, the Ritual of Sponsorship Transition began with words from Sister Corinne. 

“Sponsorship is a call and an invitation from God to enter into a relationship of care, influence, responsibility, and love with a ministry so that together we might deepen our awareness of God’s love as shown in Jesus and bring that love to others,” Sister Corinne said. “The Adrian Sisters said ‘yes’ to that call and founded and became sponsors of this school. The Rosarian community also said ‘yes.’ Together for almost 100 years, we have been partners in the mission of Jesus.” 

After lighting a candle bearing the Adrian Dominican Sisters’ logo, Sister Corinne used a taper to light the one featuring the logo of the Dominican Veritas Ministries. 

Sister Mary Margaret Pachucki, OP, an Adrian Dominican Sister and a member of the Dominican Veritas Ministries Board of Directors, calls upon the administration of Rosarian Academy – represented by Nicholas Coniglio, Chairman of the Board, and Dr. Linda Trethewey, Head of School – to carry forward the school’s mission.
Photo Courtesy of Rosarian Academy 

“With singular fidelity, we, the Member Board of Dominican Veritas Ministries, pledge careful stewardship while upholding and furthering Catholic Dominican education at Rosarian Academy, honoring the legacy of the Adrian Dominican Sisters,” Sister Mary Margaret said. “The purpose of Dominican Veritas Ministries is to embody the preaching and teaching mission of Jesus and St. Dominic in the Church through the ownership, management, and governance of collectively sponsored Dominican ministries and to offer programs and services consistent with Gospel imperatives.” 

Sister Mary Margaret described the responsibilities of the institutions sponsored by Dominican Veritas Ministries. “All sponsored ministries shall operate in a manner consistent with the social teaching and ethical principles of the Catholic Church,” she said. “We will carry forth this mission in partnership with the Board of Trustees and Kristin Melley, Executive Director of Dominican Veritas Ministries, Inc.; the civil corporation; and the Board of Directors; and Linda Trethewey, Head of School of Rosarian Academy.”

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