The Community Investment Fund provides investments and loans to community-based enterprises that demonstrate a commitment to social justice through alternative economic endeavors.
The goal is to help create sustainable jobs and affordable housing for those marginalized by the larger economy. Since 1978, we have made close to 600 loans to worker-owned cooperatives, credit unions, banks, housing projects, loan funds and community organizations.
- Current Investments (pdf) – Adrian Dominican Sisters community investments work to promote social, economic and environmental justice, including development in low-income and minority communities. We share with you a list of current community investments in our portfolio (as of June 30, 2024).
The Adrian Dominican Sisters are in partnership with organizations that share our goal and vision of creating economic opportunities for poor and disadvantaged people, including:

Loan Applicant Page - See if your organization is eligible for a Community Investment loan and read Frequently Asked Questions.
One of our investments is with Fonzoke USA, Haiti's largest microfinance institution. Fonzoke helps Haiti's poorest become self-sufficient. View Saincia's journey below.