PAB - News and Information

RecycleForce is Transforming Lives

By Marilín Llanes, OP
Director and Portfolio Manager
Office of Portfolio Advisory Board 

The Adrian Dominican Sisters’ Portfolio Advisory Board (PAB) members on September 27, 2024, approved a loan request to first-time recipient RecycleForce.

RecycleForce operates as a double agent of change by employing individuals formerly incarcerated and reducing the amount of electronic waste flowing into landfills across the country. Founded in 2006, RecycleForce is an Indianapolis-based 501(c)3 nonprofit organization.

Employees are given the opportunity, based on their training and experience, to work at all levels in the organization. Their wages provide critical support for these individuals who are navigating the process of re-entry into civil society. Additionally, RecycleForce supplies a host of wrap-around services to ensure that each participant makes a successful transition. 

RecycleForce applied for a low-interest loan from the Adrian Dominican Sisters Community Impact Investment Fund to cover the pre-development costs of a broad expansion of its plastic recycling activities. The organization plans to construct a new facility and purchase equipment, sorting line, and a pelletizer. This investment will allow the organization to recycle tons of plastic annually.  

For the past 18 years, RecycleForce has taken in computers and laptops, dismantling them and separating them into their component parts – circuit boards, processing chips, copper wiring, aluminum heat sinks, steel housing, and plastic.  

Since its inception, RecycleForce has recycled more than 100 million pounds of electronics and helped more than 3,000 formerly incarcerated individuals return home. In 2023, RecycleForce moved into its new facility after operating in subpar and temporary facilities for several years. The funding requested will be used for pre-development costs of the broad expansion of plastic recycling activities.  

RecycleForce is making a transformative impact on the lives of people navigating their re-entry into society and remediating the environmental waste crisis. 

Watch a YouTube video on the unveiling of RecycleForce’s new facility  


Caption for above feature photo: Employees of RecycleForce work at recycling electronics, Styrofoam, plastics, and other materials.

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Portfolio Advisory Board,  Adrian Dominican Sisters | 1257 E. Siena Heights Drive | Adrian, Michigan 49221
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