A Sister Reflects - Reflexión de una Hermana

An Awakening

The blog for this week comes from Sara Fairbanks, OP. Originally from Vermont, Sister Sara is a professor of theology at Barry University, an Adrian Dominican Institution in Miami, Florida. Here is her story:


As a college student I had stopped going to church.  I did, however, want a relationship with God.  I was a history major. In my junior year my advisor wanted me to take a religion course on the Reformation because that particular split in Christendom had powerful political ramifications for all of Europe. 

In taking the course, I learned that one of the great themes of the Reformation was the right of every Christian to read the Bible in his/her own language.  At the time, the bible was mostly available in Latin, which most people could not read.  At the end of the discussion, our professor, who was also a Presbyterian minister, challenged each one of you to pick up the Bible and read one of the gospels all the way through.

Photo courtesy of Wallpaper4God

I did not even own a Bible!  So I borrowed a Bible, and began to read the gospel of Matthew.  When I got to the passage in the Sermon on the Mount, “Ask and you shall receive, seek and you shall find, knock and it shall be opened unto you,” for the first time I sensed the presence of God with me, speaking these words directly to my heart, awakening me to a divine love that I had never known before, a love unsurpassed.  I was in tears. This experience was totally unexpected. God’s love was real!

This awakening to God’s unconditional love was the foundation of my religious vocation.  With the help of other faithful Christians, I gradually learned how to share my life with God through praying with scripture.  In time, I began to see God everywhere in my life and to find God at the core of my very self.

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Avatar  Winnie Sirimangkala 9 years ago

Dear Sister Sara, I am very grateful to have had the opportunity to work with you so closely on the Honors Committee for all these years . If I did not know that you were a Dominican Sister, I would be wondering why you were so very different from others :) I would definitely want to find out more about you, particularly about your compassionate mind, sincerity, and kindest heart. The students love you and we all love you very much. You are our gift from God. Thank you.
Love, Winnie

Avatar  Dot Dempsey 9 years ago

Wonderful story Sara ! Thank you. God was gentle with you, almost like an "annunciation". No knocking you off your horse and going blind but a great love came to you. You are blessed (and aren't we all) to have each other as "sisters" , to share our lives and ministry with each other.

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