In Memoriam

Sister Ana Feliz, OP


“I can truthfully say that through my whole life I have seen clear manifestations of the love of God and of what He can do in and for His little ones.”

These words appear near the beginning of Sister Ana Feliz’s first St Catherine letter, written August 29, 1980. “In fashioning me He took poor clay and transformed it into a small and simple vessel,” the letter continued. “And guess what, by His power and grace it turned out right.”

Sister Ana was born April 27, 1932, in a poor and isolated mountainous area near San Jose de Ocoa in the Dominican Republic. It was “a place not much touched by man or machinery,” she wrote. She was the second child of Camino Feliz and Juana Encarnacion, but their first child died at age two. Ana wrote that her mother also suffered a number of miscarriages, probably from hard work and lack of medical care. Five other children besides Sister Ana survived: Mireya, Fran, Mirlita, Altagracia and Fatima.

Both parents were extremely hard workers who struggled to make a living on their small piece of farmland. Sister Ana wrote that her father’s coffee crop was barely enough to cover their expenses, and when emergencies occurred he had to sell coffee that had not even been picked yet. It pained Sister Ana to remember, even four decades later in writing her St. Catherine letter, that when she was six or seven years old, while playing in a box of beans, she accidentally got a bean stuck in her ear and her father had to sell his horse so he could take her to the town doctor.

Read more about Sister Ana (PDF)

make a memorial giftMemorial gifts may be made to Adrian Dominican Sisters, 1257 East Siena Heights Drive, Adrian, Michigan, 49221. 


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Avatar  Marisol Diclo 6 years agoReply

Buenas noches! Soy Marisol Dicló, hoy gracias a Dios casada con hijo de 18 años. Mis padres ya fallecidos, eran de San Juan de la Maguana-Las Matas de Farfán y crecí oyendo hablar de las Hermanas Dominicas de Adrian y su servicio a Dios. En los años 90's, en mis inicios en los grupos de oración de jóvenes de la Renovación Carísmática Católica en Santo Domingo, tuve la dicha de conocer a la hna Ana Feliz, y hoy doy gracias a Dios por todo lo que recibí de El a través de Ana como guía espiritual. Ana una mujer de Dios, mujer de oración y de acción, su sonrisa reflejaba la alegría de los que se saben amados de Dios. Ana, como con.cariño simplemente la llamaba, fue instrumento de luz , de amor de Dios en mi caminar de fe. Con ella comencé a sentir el llamado a la oración que nos lleva a la acción. En su sonrisa, su sencillez, su disponibilidad a la escucha, sus consejos Dios me fue mostrando su camino que hoy sigo. Gracias a personas como Ana que fueron ángeles del cotidiano muchos jóvenes pudimos descubrir a un Jesús amigo, cercano invitandonos a seguirlo y hoy Ana es àngel custodio para su familia, su comunidad, etc para la gloria de Dios. Con la certeza de que nuestra querida hermana Ana Feliz goza de la presencia de Dios Padre en su Santa Morada junto a su hijo Jesucristo y el Espíritu Santo.

Avatar  Eva Baquero 6 years agoReply

Conocí a Ana Feliz hace unos 25 años. Una gran mujer de fe, de entrega y de servicio a los más pequeños. Una gran evangelizadora, mujer de oración y con un don muy especial de discernimiento. Valiente, enérgica y con una gran pasión por el Reino de Dios. Hizo mucho bien en República Dominicana y a mí también. Siempre la recordaré. Nos vemos en la eternidad querida Ana.

Avatar  Carol Ann Gross, OP 6 years agoReply

Ana worried a lot even though she always seemed able to manage well in the end. When I heard that she was in her last hours, I kept wondering what she might be worried about. Certainly it should not have been about being with God in eternity. Ana lived deeply her Dominican vocation and her love of God and her neighbor. She had a profound affect on her native country. She was instrumental in bringing the charismatic renewal to her people who are still enjoying the devotion and committment that it inspires. For many years she was on the national team that directed the movement in its first days. The early formation helped people not only to praise God but to reach out in ministry to others. As a diocesan religious education coordinator, I became aware that the majority of the catechists were members of the charismatic renewal. They told me that they were taught that if they had to make a decision between an activity of the movement and their classes or catechetical formation, they should opt for their commitment to ministry. I had not had this experience in other places or with other movements. Ana also founded with Sister Nancy Jurecki, OP, a course for spiritual directors. The team she formed is still working after 17 years and has prepared almost 200 people for this ministry. Many people speak fundly of Ana as spiritual director, pastoral minister, formation director, and teacher but mostly about her deep faith and commitment to others. Your worries are over Ana. Let your wonderful fun-loving side enjoy what is your now! We miss you and we will not forget you!

Avatar  Zicri Cordero Feliz 6 years agoReply

Soy Zicri Ismerai Cordero Feliz, sobrina de Ana Feliz, hija de Altagracia Feliz, fallecida el 21 de agosto 2018. Quisiera que de ser posible aclaren que donde escribieron Mircya Feliz, es Miyeya Feliz; quien falleció el 20 de diciembre 2017, antes que mi madre Altagracia Feliz el 21 de agosto 2018, solo le sobreviven un hermano Francisco Feliz, y dos hermanas Fátima y Mirla Feliz. Esto lo hago porque enviaré este enlace a los demás miembros de la familia.
Mis disculpa si está mal esto. Gracias por todo

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