In Memoriam

Sister Anne Cenci, OP (Rose Imelda Cenci)


As I thought about the Gospel of the Good Shepherd in relation to Anne’s life, it just made such good sense. … The shepherd was there, no matter what happened. The shepherd spoke to the sheep, sang to them, was present for their every need. The sheep recognized the shepherd’s voice, and would come when called. Each night, the shepherd counted the flock, just in case there was one who had strayed. Each one of the sheep was family.

… Sister Anne taught music and was a choir director for many years. In fact, her last choir came to visit us couple of years ago and sang for her and for all of us. Anne loved being among them. They recognized her voice as she spoke to them, as she sang to them and with them. It’s not unusual, then, that she had a devotion of Jesus as the “good shepherd.”   

These words spoken by Sister Maria Goretti Browne opened her homily for Sister Anne Cenci and described Sister Anne’s relationship not only with her former students and parishioners but with her fellow Adrian Dominican Sisters as well. As Sister Maria Goretti’s homily continued,

A few birthdays ago, her sister, Marian, wanted Anne to have a lovely dinner at Red Lobster. Marian knew that this was a favorite of Anne.  But Anne wanted to share, so she ordered, not a meal, but appetizers. There were enough so that each Sister in her 3rd floor dining room was able to share in the treat… But that was Anne, the thoughtful, caring, good shepherd! 

Read more about Sister Anne (pdf)

make a memorial giftMemorial gifts may be made to Adrian Dominican Sisters, 1257 East Siena Heights Drive, Adrian, Michigan, 49221. 


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Avatar  Theresa Swiecicki 4 years agoReply

Thank you for sharing this with everybody. It was heartwarming to hear all the kind comments about my Aunt.

Avatar  Nancy Willmar 4 years agoReply

Sister Anne,
I can't say her name without a smile. Anne would always close her letters with the words "Peace, Joy, Love," and those words defined her life. The sharing of her abiding faith gave us all peace and comfort, and her joy often expessed itself in music, as well as a penchant for jokes. Time spent with Anne was often joyful, and always illuminating. My best description of Anne would be that she was open to the wonder of God's world, always ready to learn, and share her discoveries. For example, she once asked me if I would like to take a class with her on teaching with moon rocks! I did, and I still carry my official certification in my wallet. She was articulate, intelligent, and very wise. I had the privilege of teaching Catechism under her guidance at St. Andrews, and she was truly inspirational, not only spiritually, but as a model teacher; combining a professional expertise with a personal expression of compassion and caring. When I began my own teaching career she was the ideal I aspired to emulate. Anne expressed her love in countless ways. Always kind and compassionate, she would also stand up for what she believed in- she could be fierce in defense of justice and fair play. She saw the big picture, but she also appreciated the little things, and cared for all of God's creatures. Once, when she knew that I was sad about my cat Tuffy nearing death, she stopped by our house, took his little paw in her hand, and said a prayer. This, despite the fact that she was allergic to cats! Her many unqualified expressions of love were what endeared her to me, and my husband and children. We thank God for the gift of Anne. She is, and will always be, Beloved.

Avatar  Carole Miller 5 years agoReply

Sister Anne was pure joy and will be missed greatly. I knew her from St Andrew's since 1978. She would comfort me as my tears flowed during Mass. My mother, Marilyn Bookmyer, was a dear friend to Sister Anne and welcomed my mom as an Associate of the Adrian Dominicans in 1990 til her death in 1997. I know they are rejoicing together in Heaven now. Thank you Sister Anne for your years of service to God and his followers! God bless you! I am so grateful to have known you.

Avatar  Ann Marie Vescio Baldwin 5 years agoReply

Sr Anne
Always welcoming with arms open, such a beautiful amazing soul, I was blessed to have you in my life, you were like family to me, I will cherish all of our conversations and memories I hold dear to my heart.
You are loved always and will be remembered forever
Peace be upon you now enjoy new, well deserved life

Avatar  Margaret Berry 5 years agoReply

Auntie Anne was one of the very few adults I can honestly say I loved, respected, and adored. She was a beautiful bubble of fun, love and compassion. My favorite memories include being introduced to the cartoon Charlie Brown and Snoopy. Auntie Anne drew Snoopy as well as his cartoonist. Auntie Anne always made my gut smile, even now just thinking of her brings a light into my life. She will be welcomed into her new life with love and smiles.

Avatar  Margaret Berry 5 years agoReply

Auntie Anne was one of the few adults I loved, trusted, and respected. Anytime she came to visit I was filled with excitement. She had a great sense of humor and enjoyed her time with us. She introduced Snoopy and Charlie Brown to us, she could draw a great Snoopy! My gut still smiles anytime I think about Auntie Anne. I know she is in very good company, keeping those around her smiling.

Avatar  Laurie Ray 5 years agoReply

Sr. Anne Cenci was an amazing human being. She hugged everyone and everyone wanted hugs. She, among a handful of others, was what I think a Christian should be, as Jesus taught. I'll always remember her smiles and joy for everyone, especially us "kids". She could also rock a piano.

Avatar  Kathy 5 years agoReply

Auntie Annie, you were the funniest and the sweetest. Being a kid and having you as an aunt made some great memories! Prayers for the repose of your soul, the soul of your little brother and your parents ❤

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