In Memoriam

Sister Carol Louise Hiller, OP


St. Rose of Lima Parish on Detroit’s east side was where Elizabeth June Hiller and her playmates – Harvey, Billy, Sonny, Harold, and Harold’s little sister, Shirley (the latter two the nephew and niece of Adrian Dominican Sister Ruth Grates) – spent many hours together doing typical childhood things: playing on Sonny’s swing set and monkey bars, eating cherries straight off of the tree in Harold and Shirley’s yard, hanging out under Elizabeth’s back porch in inclement weather.

Having four boys as friends was no impediment to Elizabeth, the future Sister Carol Louise. “I was a first-class tomboy determined to keep up with anyone in the neighborhood,” Sister Carol Louise wrote in her life story. “I had skinned and bloody knees to prove that determination.”

Elizabeth was born at home on October 11, 1921, to Ludwig and Caroline (Franz) Hiller. Ludwig was born in Vienna, Austria; his family came to America because the Emperor was conscripting young men for military service and out of the Hillers’ six boys, two were already in the army. The Hillers settled in Forestville, in the “Thumb” area of Michigan, but when Ludwig was old enough he moved to Detroit. He and Caroline married in 1916.

Read more about Sister Carol Louise (pdf)

make a memorial giftMemorial gifts may be made to Adrian Dominican Sisters, 1257 East Siena Heights Drive, Adrian, Michigan, 49221. 

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Avatar  Karen Oehler 5 years agoReply

I was saddened to hear on this website of the death of my cousin, Sr. Carol. I last saw her 2 years ago on a visit back to Michigan. My sister Linda and I arranged to go out to dinner, but when she came out of the elevator, she didn't recognize us at all. It was sad to see how far her disease had progressed since we had seen her a couple of years before that. However, we explained that we were her cousin Ray's daughters and that we'd like to take her out to dinner. She was very willing to come with us and we had a very nice time together.

We reminisced about the time I spent in Alaska as a sales rep for a publishing company. We talked about the time we drove from Fairbanks to Anchorage and camped in Denali State Park. It was rainy and cold and we spend a very cold night in her van instead of in tents. The next morning Carol got up and prayed we would see Denali as she was in the process of moving to California and this was her last chance to see this amazing mountain. We hiked a short while, came to a viewpoint, and there was Denali in all its splendor! Thank you, Carol! I'll never forget that sight!

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