In Memoriam

Sister Cora Marie Campbell, OP


Cora Marie Campbell was four years old when she met her first Adrian Dominican Sisters: the group teaching catechism at St. Gregory Parish in Newberry, Michigan. Incidentally, Newberry, which in the year of Cora Marie’s birth,1935, had only some 2,500 residents, give or take, produced three members of the Congregation: Sisters Nadine Foley, Paul James Villemure, and of course Cora Marie.

Baptized Genevieve Anne after her mother and grandmother, Cora Marie was born in Newberry, located in the eastern half of Michigan’s Upper Peninsula, to William and Genevieve (MacDonald) Campbell on November 1, 1935 – her father’s birthday. William, who worked as a firefighter, was a Newberry native, while Genevieve was born in Grand Marais, Michigan, on the Lake Superior side of the U.P.

The couple had fourteen children in all, five of whom were born after Genevieve entered the Congregation. First came William, then Genevieve, then her sister Cara, then ten boys in a row – Peter, Kay Michael, Alexander, James, Thomas, Matthew, John, Paul, Mark, and Charles – and finally Mary. Kay Michael died of pneumonia when he was only about three and a half years old.

All of the children had their own assigned household chores, but it also fell to Genevieve and Cara to take care of their younger siblings. The two girls took turns being “assigned” a brother as each boy was born, and Genevieve also tutored her brothers in math, the subject which would later be her teaching specialty.

Read more about Sister Cora (PDF)

make a memorial giftMemorial gifts may be made to Adrian Dominican Sisters, 1257 East Siena Heights Drive, Adrian, MI, 49221. 

Sister's Memorial Card (PDF)

Enjoy this video exploring the life and ministry of Sister Cora Marie.



Vigil and Funeral Recordings

Recording of Sister Cora Marie's Vigil Service - After clicking the link, download the recording by right-clicking on the video choosing "Save video as." Worship Aid (PDF)

Recording of Sister Cora Marie's Funeral Mass - After clicking the link, download the recording by right-clicking on the video choosing "Save video as." Worship Aid (PDF)

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Avatar  Ken Kranz 9 months agoReply

How do we tell someone (especially after they have passed) how much they meant to their lives? … their spirit?

I can only try to share here how much she was like my Dad (a very good educator) and hope that this touches those it should.

Much later in my life I created this (below) to remember my Dad … who so much like Sister Cora Marie … always got me THINKING …

My Dad (Teacher/Principal) used to come to the dinner table and have/choose
something to challenge us kids with. One night (that I remember most clearly –>
probably because I “won” that night) he sat down and simply held up a fork. He
reminded us how we all knew that this was something we used to eat with ... BUT,
the question he had was “what else could you use this fork to do?” Well, we all
struggled a bit ... until I was able to see that the handle was very flat at the end,
and “looked kind of like the end of a screwdriver” .... SO, I said, “Hey Dad, you
could use that fork as a screwdriver; if we ever lost the one you have in your
toolbox”! He responded, “GREAT THINKING, Ken!” ... and, from that day
forward, I realized that great “THINKING” ... probably more than anything else,

was going to be IMPORTANT!

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Our Adrian Dominican cemetery with its circular headstones is a beautiful place of rest for women who gave their lives in service to God — and a peaceful place for contemplation and remembrance. 

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