In Memoriam

Sister Helen Patrick Bartley, OP


Baptized Mary Eileen Bartley, Sister Helen Patrick was born on October 2, 1918, in Chicago. She was the first of three girls born to Patrick and Helen (Walsh) Bartley. Her sisters were named Patricia and Catherine. When she was young the family moved to the Park Manor neighborhood and belonged to St. Columbanus Parish. 

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make a memorial giftMemorial gifts may be made to Adrian Dominican Sisters, 1257 East Siena Heights Drive, Adrian, Michigan, 49221. 

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Avatar  Colleen E (Houx) Whiteman 8 years agoReply

Sister Helen Pat was so patient with me in Latin. My Mother went to Providence in Chicago and insisted I take Latin. Well, I was not good at Latin or any of the other restraint's in a all girl's Catholic school. I learned from Sister Helen Pat that we can accomplish anything ( even Latin) which helped me in Surgical Tech School.
I will always love her as one of my favorite teachers.

Avatar  Michelle Palmer Cantrell 9 years agoReply

Sr. Helen Patrick was my Latin teacher for four years at Mt. St. Mary Academy in St. Charles, IL. She was patient, kind, an excellent teacher and persistent in her commitment to teach a difficult subject matter. I loved her kindness and gentle ways. She made me feel safe in her classroom, always. Her devotion and faith shone through consistently. She was a shining example of Christ's love in living motion. RIP Sr. Helen Patrick. It was an honor and privilege to have you as a part of my life. Thank you.

Avatar  Linda Taylor Yoder 9 years agoReply

I really got to love Latin because of Sister Helen Patrick, who was teaching at Mount Saint Mary Academy in St. Charles, IL, when it was my great privilege to be her student. Salve, Soror.

Avatar  Sharon Foley Bock 9 years agoReply

Sister Helen Patrick was my freshman homeroom teacher at Rosarian Academy in 1957. She was so very kind and very, very patient with us -- imagine being responsible for a bunch of 13 and 14 year olds! Though we who knew her shall miss her, I trust that she is embraced in the arms of the God she loved so dearly.

Avatar  Ann Celine Wydeven 9 years agoReply

Sr. Helen Patrick was my first Principal at Bl Sacrament. Toledo. 19 in 1954. She entrusted me with 54 first graders She was kind, patient ,probably hoped for the best. Her gentleness had an impact on so many of us who were very young. The last time I saw her was in the DLC I hugged and thanked her She gave me a big smile. Job well done. Go in Peace

Avatar  Matt Hurley 9 years agoReply

Sister Helen Patrick was a teacher at St. Edward High School in Elgin, IL some 40years ago. She taught 4 of the 8 Hurley children and we all have fond memories of her. May God Bless Sister Helen Patick. Her wonderful Faith, love of her profession and her sense of humor will not be forgotten.
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