In Memoriam

Sister Janet Michael Hudspeth, OP


Sister Janet Michael began her story with the marriage of her parents Helen Rebbe and Harvey Hudspeth in 1928 at Holy Redeemer Church in Detroit. Because her father was not Catholic, they were married in the rectory. Jobs were hard to find during the Great Depression and so they moved to Petersburg, Illinois, where they lived on the family farm.  

Sister Janet was born in Petersburg on July 23, 1932, and baptized Peggy Joan. She was the second of five children born into the Hudspeth family. The family moved to Chester, Illinois, when her father found a job at Southern Illinois Penitentiary as a prison guard. They lived there for seven years and then moved to Detroit when her father found a better job in a factory.

make a memorial giftRead more about Sister Janet Michael (pdf)

Memorial gifts may be made to Adrian Dominican Sisters, 1257 East Siena Heights Drive, Adrian, Michigan, 49221.


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Avatar  Janet Huvaere 8 years agoReply

Sister Janet was a wonderful person. She was the delegate to the mission group I was a member. She was always helpful when I was in need. I am sure she is looking down on us.

Avatar  Eileen Gage 8 years agoReply

I knew Peg for many years, as she was my good friend Janet's sister. She loved what she did as a nun and made many friends along the way. Her love of life and positive attitude were always present and always had a smile on her face.. Her sister said she was at peace with her condition and was not fearful of the future. I regret not being able to attend the events in Adrian as I was unable to drive because of surgery on 9/19. I can perhaps visit Adrian at a later date. Sr. Janet will be missed by many. She was quite a lady. I will pray for the repose of her soul. Love, Eileen Gage

Avatar  Eileen Gage 8 years agoReply

My deepest sympathy to the family of Peg. I heard she was very well prepared and at peace with her situation and wasn't afraid of what lay ahead. She had a very happy life serving as a Dominican sister and made many friends along
the way with her upbeat attitude and joy of living. She was my good friend Janet's sister. I regret not being aware of the final arrangements but I unfortunately wouldn't have been able to attend due to the surgery I had on Monday Sept 19th and was advised not to drive for 2 weeks. I will remember her in my prayers. She was quite a lady. Love, Eileen Gage.

Avatar  Sr. Charlotte Rebbe, OP = Springfield Dominicans 8 years agoReply

Dean Janet and David,
IMy prayers for you and your families. Peg is at Peace and smiling as she looks upon us. I was sorry that our plans to have some time together didn't materialize, but God had other plans for us. I'll always remember Peg with a smile on her face and her joyful spirit. Love and prayers. Sug

Avatar  Sr. Charlotte Rebbe, OP = Springfield Dominicans 8 years agoReply

Dear Janiet ane David, mjy prayers for you and the rest of the family. I'm sorry that I couldn't be with Peg as planned. God's plans aren't always our plans. I will remember her as a loving, happy Dominican and cousin. Blesssings and love, Sug

Avatar  bonnie and geo synett 8 years agoReply

We were so fortunate to have met sister about 5 years ago threw sr. adrianne.And what a joy she was.She came and stayed with us in Sault Ste. Marie, Mich.took part in a fine dinner and drinks and wonderful conversations. She was an amazing women who touched our hearts.She was also invited to our sons wedding a couple years ago in chicago and her and sr. adrianne came with their dancing shoes on.Sat at our table and we laughed and hugged and tapped our feet to the music all nite long.Got to visit with her again at sr. adriannes for a nice lunch,with sr. pat . what a joy these gals are.They will always be more than sisters to me. They brought so much to my husband and my life. Thank you sr. janet and peace and happyness in your next life. love bonnie and geo synett.

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