In Memoriam

Sister Jean Rosaria Fisch, OP


Some people come into your life and make you a better person. That was Sister Jean.

She had a gift for reading people, and discerning their strengths and talents. Then with a warm smile and a gentle rub on the back she could get you to agree to any task. That was her magic. You never said no.

These words began one of the many written messages and in-person remembrances shared at the wake service for Sister Jean Rosaria Fisch. They were written by Lisa Martone, who had been a student at St. Rose of Lima School in Miami Shores, Florida, during Sister Jean’s time there as elementary principal.

Sister Jean was born Rita Mae Fisch on May 24, 1932, in Appleton, Wisconsin, to Ervin and Helen (Umland) Fisch. She was the couple’s only child; when Rita was eighteen months old, Helen died of tuberculosis. Ervin sent Rita to live with her maternal grandparents until he remarried; his second wife, Iva, was his business partner in an appliance and furniture store in Appleton.

Read more about Sister Jean Rosaria (PDF)

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Memorial gifts may be made to Adrian Dominican Sisters, 1257 East Siena Heights Drive, Adrian, Michigan, 49221.

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Avatar  Ricardo Martinez 5 years agoReply

Sister Jean was my fourth and seventh grade teacher at Academia Sagrado Corazon in Puerto Rico. This was around 1955. I'm 72 y. o.
Many years later I tracked her down thru the Adrian community. I met her in Plantation, Florida, one time when I took one of my children to Disney. We had lunch and spent a great afternoon. I shared with her many things I remembered, the habit, her shoes,
the black cape for communion, the classroom setup, the names of the other sisters assigned to the school at that time.
She certainly made an impression on me! I will never forget her.

Avatar  Helen Hansen 6 years agoReply

The Hansen Family were fortunate to have Sister Jean part of our family for many, many years. Numerous Holidays, Baptisms, (Grandchildren) First Communions, Graduations, etc., were spent with this lovely lady. Sister Jeans Parents are in the same Mausoleum (Our Lady Of Mercy) as my dear parents, along with our mutual friend Father Maurice Kissane . The memories are many. Thank You Dear Lord for Sister Jean being a part of our lives. Rest in peace dear friend. Helen Hansen and Family

Avatar  Helen Hansen 6 years agoReply

The Hansen Family were fortunate to have Sister Jean part of our family for many, many years. Numerous Holidays, Baptisms, (Grandchildren) First Communions, Graduations, etc., were spent with this lovely lady. Sister Jeans Parents are in the same Mausoleum (Our Lady Of Mercy) as my dear parents, along with our mutual friend Father Maurice Kissane . The memories are many. Thank You Dear Lord for Sister Jean being a part of our lives. Rest in peace dear friend. Helen Hansen and Family

Avatar  Helen Hansen 6 years agoReply

The Hansen family were fortunate to have Sister Jean part of our lives for many, many years. Numerous Holidays, Baptisms (Grandchildren) First Communions, Graduations etc., were spent with this lovely lady. Sister Jean's Mother and Father are in same Mausoleum (Our Lady Of Mercy). as my dear parents and our mutual friend Father Maurice Kissane. The memories are many. Thank you dear Lord for Sister Jean being a part of our lives. Rest in peace dear friend. Helen Hansen and Family

Avatar  Brenda Fitzgerald 7 years agoReply

Sr. Jean was a dear and loved friend, I can;t really express the impact she had on my life. We had many laughs and adventures. I will miss her presence in this world but rejoice in the fact that she is now with our Savior and Mother Mary , on whose birthday she went home.. Rest in glorious peace my dear friend. Brenda

Avatar  Margaret Fogarty 7 years agoReply

RIP Sr Jean I will ever forget your kindness to us when we visited Plantation. CH

Avatar  Margaret Fogarty 7 years agoReply

RIP Sr Jean I will ever forget your kindness to us when we visited Plantation. CH

Avatar  Rosemarie Ambrosio 7 years agoReply

I had the pleasure of working with Sister Jean at St. Gregory’s in various ministries. She was a joy to be around and so full of love and passion for our faith. I know she will continue to watch over us as an angel of love. She will be missed and always be remembered by me as as a very special caring, devoted sister who loved our Lord . Rest In Peace Sister Jean. Thank you for your devotion and love.

Avatar  Susie Krajsa 7 years agoReply

I am honored to share the blessing of my friendship with Sister Jean. I met Sister almost 20 years ago at St. Gregory the Great Catholic Church as she interviewed me and my husband George, as new parishioner’s eager to become part of the St. Gregory family. From the moment we met, we became friends and I knew that Sister Jean would be a big part of our lives forever.
Sister Jean was self-less. She was kind, caring and incredibly intelligent. She gave so much to so many and we all benefited from her kindness and love.
Sister Jean comforted me during difficult times, celebrated with me during happy times and gave me the confidence to strive to be the best that I could be both personally and professionally.
I especially loved seeing her at the opening night performances of Broadway shows in Fort Lauderdale. From the minute I saw her, she would light up and we would spend time catching up – she would be laser focused as I updated her on my son’s progress as a pilot, my grandchildren, my daughter, my husband and of course…on me. I could see how proud she was as I told her about my travels and my accomplishments. As she hurried to make sure she was in her seat before the curtain went up, she would lean in and give me an enormous hug – as many of you know, a hug from Sister Jean was filled with strength and love and it fueled me to always want to make her proud!
We continued to talk weekly after she moved to Michigan and I did my best to provide her with the comfort and motivation that she always gave me.
Now, there is a void that won’t soon be filled. But, I know that she is still my champion and I would simply like to say:
Thank you Sister Jean for bringing out the best in me, and for caring about me and my family in ways that only a true friend, and loving family member could. I will always cherish our time together. I am grateful that God blessed me with your friendship – it means more than I could ever express.


Avatar  Dorothy Elizabeth Isser 7 years agoReply

Sisrer Jean was the most "dangerous" woman i ever met at St. Gregory the Great - there was no way tp say no to her! She helped me to find my way in too many ways to mention. Rest in peace my dear friend-may the Lord shine His light upon you just and you shined your light upon all those who were priviledged to know you. Farewell my dear friend -
Love and prayers always.

Avatar  Yvette Richards, St. Gregory the Great Catholic Church 7 years agoReply

I met Sister Jean, when I registered as a member of the Parish in 2014. At that time I volunteered to become and Usher. Sister Jean always had a good word for me every Saturday.

"When you pass through the waters, I will be you,
And through the rivers, they will not overflow you.
When you walk through the fire, you will not be scorched,
Nor will the flame burn you." Isaiah 43:2
You are with your Heavenly Father

Avatar  Yvette Richards, St. Gregory the Great Catholic Church 7 years agoReply

I met Sister Jean when I registered as a member of St. Gregory the Great Parish in 2014, and I volunteered to welcome parishioners and usher at the 4:00 pm Mass. Sister Jean will always have a good word to say to me every Saturday.
"When you pass through the waters, I will be with you,
And through the rivers, they will not overflow you.
When you walk through the fire, you will not be scorched,
Nor will the flame burn you".
You are in God's hand now.

Avatar  Francine Holland 7 years agoReply

Our family will always cherish memories of Sr. Jean. We met her in the early 70’s when our oldest son, Sam, started 3rd grade at St. Rose. We became friends early on and the relationship continuedover the years. Sr Jean had a warmth and grace that was

genuine and heartfelt. I personally felt great respect and admiration for how she handled and accepted life’s challenges. Rest In Peace gentle friend.
Francine Holland

Avatar  Vicky Deacon 7 years agoReply

I met Sister Jean late in 1980 when we were transferred to Miami, bought a house in Miami Shores, and decided to enroll our children in Saint Rose of Lima school where she was principal. Right from the start she struck me as being extremely loving, warm, and easy to talk to. To my sadness Sr Jean only remained principal for the first year that my children were at St Rose School. But then I learned she had not left - she was in parish ministry instead.
In 1981 we were invited to a neighborhood meeting officiated by Sister Jean where she was trying to get to know people in the parish. My husband George and I had a chance to speak with her at length and both of us liked her very much. Very soon Sr Jean had recruited us into parish ministry and parish activities. Even though George had graduated from Georgetown and I had graduated from Catholic University, we had moved away to some extent from the Church . We wanted our children to receive a Catholic education but we ourselves have gone through the upheaval of the Vatican Council and we’re not sure where we stood with the Catholic Church.
I have to say that Sister Jean’s out reach to us brought us back into the fold - mainly thanks to her warmth and non-judgment.
Before we knew it we were completely involved in parish ministry at Saint Rose.
Beyond that SrJean became a close personal friend. She helped me plan a pilgrimage to the Holy Land in 1984 - because I was a travel agent at the time.
That was just one of many highlights that I have in my memory bank with Sister Jean.
She remained close to our family for the next 25 years, attending children’s weddings and baptisms and just being there at all the important moments.
It is hard for me to summarize the impact that Sister Jean had on our lives.
Through her goodness, her kindness, her non-judge mental way of leading us to God, Sister Jean was a true spiritual light in our lives.
We mourn her loss and her passing.
We were blessed to have been able to call her our dear Friend.

Avatar  Pam & Brian Estler 7 years agoReply

Little things make an impact on someone’s life—Sister Jean was good at that... Her smile and the rub on your back were Famous!!!! The first 2 months at St. Gregory’s Catholic Church 26 yrs ago—that’s how she welcome us -a young family recently moved to the area with no friends or family—- and we knew we were HOME!!!
She WAS part of our family from that point on—making those small gestures to support us through our journeys in Life—-
I don’t know what I would have done without. Her—-
She is a truly Lovely and Gentle Spirit—-
May the Lord be Smiling upon you, Soster Jean!!
Much Love Always——

Avatar  Deborah Rossiter 7 years agoReply

A beautiful heart. Sister Jean is with the Father. At peace.

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