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Marilyn Uline was the oldest of seven children born to Charles and Harriet (Holmes) Uline on July 29, 1937. She was born in Lakewood, Ohio, near Cleveland, with Rosemary and Joanne following soon thereafter. Then, with World War II in full swing, Charles was asked by his boss to move to Illinois to assist with supervising a steel production plant, and so the Ulines settled on a 35-acre farm not far from Chicago Heights. The five-bedroom farmhouse was ideal for the growing family, which, over time added Carol, Lois, John, and Margaret to its ranks.
Being the oldest of so many children came with its share of responsibilities. After Sister Marilyn’s death, her sister Joanne shared this at the wake:
Our father appointed Marilyn our designated protector and sometimes “ENFORCER!” Marilyn was three by the time Rosemary came along, and sadly for Marilyn, Rose was the first in a succession of four more babies, all 11-13 months apart. Marilyn had to become our mom’s helper (and Pampers hadn’t been invented yet). A few more years went by, and finally the last two babies arrived, and by this time, Marilyn was a pro – still, no Pampers! I’m sure Marilyn hated holding the lantern every night out in the freezing cold so the rest of us could troop off to the outhouse before going to bed. Fortunately, plumbing was installed in our old farmhouse not too long after we moved in.
Marilyn and her siblings attended St. Agnes School, where they were taught by the Franciscan Sisters of Perpetual Adoration. Determined to excel at her studies, she did so well that she won a four-year scholarship to Mount St. Mary Academy, where she met the Adrian Dominican Sisters.
Read more about Sister Marilyn (PDF)
Memorial gifts may be made to Adrian Dominican Sisters, 1257 East Siena Heights Drive, Adrian, Michigan, 49221.
Sister's Memorial Card (PDF)
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My name is Joanie Hartigan. Sister Marilyn Uline was my eldest aunt. By the time I came along in 1964, my Auntie Marilyn had dealt with countless small children of questionable behavior. Recently, I’ve come across a dozen or so letters written by my grandmother (Harriet Uline) to Marilyn. In the two brief times my Grammy mentioned me, the adjectives “mischievous” and “wild” are noted. I imagine Marilyn was not too impressed by this. She was a seasoned teacher with a solid bag-of-tricks. My first memory of we two together is just relaxing on the couch in the screened in porch at the farm. I was coloring and she was simply conversing with me as if I were a miniature adult. I remember feeling pretty darned grown up. When I was about nine or ten, Marilyn invited me to bring a friend to stay overnight in her Chicago apartment. How exciting! I couldn’t believe my parents approved of this worldly adventure. The evening was filled with two little girls watching all the television they could ingest as well as a couple of mouth watering authentic Chicago pizzas. Surely, a night to treasure.At age sixteen, I became the subject of much hand wringing in my family. Besides honors high school classes, I also had a job, car, and quite the boyfriend. I remember Marilyn remained unruffled and treated me the same as always. When the local Octoberfest came around, she slipped me a ten dollar bill and told me to “Go have fun!”. That was a large chunk of change at the time and I was grateful for her generosity. Marilyn lived a full life and I am certain that she left this planet a better place than when she arrived. Ralph Waldo Emerson defines success in this way,”…to leave the world a bit better… by a redeemed social condition, to know that one life has breathed easier because you have lived, that is to have succeeded.” Marilyn truly achieved success and now has gone on to help us in ways we cannot even imagine.
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