In Memoriam

Sister Miriam Joseph Lekan, OP


When and where my life is over, I hope and pray that I will be ready for that last appointment.

For Sister Miriam Joseph Lekan, who put that sentence in her autobiography, her “last appointment” came on November 23, 2024, at the age of 101 and after a rich, joy-filled life full of ministry to others.

Josephine Bernadette Lekan was born on April 10, 1923, in Cleveland, Ohio, to Joseph and Frances (Perko) Lekan. Joseph and Frances were both born in a region of Austria which later became part of Yugoslavia and is now the country of Slovenia. They emigrated to America in the early part of the 20th Century and settled in Cleveland, where they met. Joseph worked in a steel mill, while Frances was a domestic worker.

The couple married in 1908, and two years later welcomed their first child, Joseph Jr. Eleven more children followed: twins Cy and Matt, Frank, Frances, John, Marie, Rosalie, Josephine, Louis, Angela (known as Pat), and Anthony.

Read more about Sister Miriam (PDF)

make a memorial giftMemorial gifts may be made to Adrian Dominican Sisters, 1257 East Siena Heights Drive, Adrian, MI, 49221. 

Sister's Memorial Card (PDF)

Vigil and Funeral Recordings

Recording of Sister Miriam Joseph's Vigil Service - After clicking the link, download the recording by right-clicking on the video choosing "Save video as." Worship Aid (PDF)

Recording of Sister Miriam Joseph's Funeral Mass - After clicking the link, download the recording by right-clicking on the video choosing "Save video as." Worship Aid (PDF)

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Avatar  PATRICK H. MOORHEAD 3 months agoReply

Along the "maze of life" we are blest to encounter individuals of influence who help us follow the course as we encounter various pathway options as we move forward. Sister "MJ" was my first crush!! She was so tall and I was so little! I arrived a day late for 1st grade and grabbed a seat in the center aisle. What I didn't realize was that seats had been assigned on day one. When the fellow arrived who was assigned to the seat, she simply and kindly redirected him to an open seat nearby. I credit my 43 year career as educator and administrator to her inspiration, modeling, and strong encouragement. Given her name, Sister Miriam Joseph, I recall that we headed our assignments "JMJ" (Jesus, Mary and Joseph). Not knowing any better, I assumed that she was "this close" to Jesus because of her name. At the same time, I also thought the "OP" after her name stood for "Oak Park." Sister "MJ" was youthful, and much like a big sister that I never had. She taught us in 1st AND 2nd grades, but I never forgot her kindness, ability to handle the all-male military school crowd, and the morning milk breaks we had with milk in small glass bottles. She knew that I coveted chocolate milk. There were some humorous exchanges between my parents and Sister "MJ", though not always humorous at the outset. Fast forward to 2000 where my wife and I were privileged to sit next to Sister at a Bishop Quarter all-class reunion in Niles, Il. We renewed our friendship and laughed over shared stories with other alums. Since that time, "MJ" and I talked on almost every holiday—or more frequently. We exchanged letters. I did tell her, per her biography video, that I would visit her in Adrian, and we met there one day several years ago. In a photo taken on that occasion, I towered over her——that nun whom I thought was so tall. "MJ" grabbed her walker and whisked me around the Center on a tour pointing out various spots, and especially the outdoor garden where she liked to catch a breath of fresh air in nice weather following meals. Sister was my last human connection to our family life in Oak Park. Dad past away during 4th grade, and we moved at the end of my 6th grade after my next-oldest brother graduated from Fenwick High School. My adjustment to a new "coed" school without the military feature was not an easy transition. I missed Bishop Quarter, Oak Park, and especially "MJ". I was grateful in 2000 to thank her for teaching me to read, spell, and be curious in learning. She is certainly a heroine in my life. May Sister Miriam Joseph rest in eternal peace in the company of the Lord. My regret at the moment is not being aware that Sister Passed away so that I might have been able to attend her funeral. My condolences to her entire families. Sister Nancy Murray, OP shared the news in person with me earlier today. We have lost a gift from God in the form of a terrific, caring and positive human being. Thank you, Good Lord, for allowing me to cross paths with Sister Miriam Joseph, OP

Saluting Sister Miriam Joseph,
At ease…..
Cadet Patrick H. Moorhead
Deerfield, Il 60015

Avatar  Dennis & Sherry Lekan 3 months agoReply

Sister Miriam Joseph (Aunt Jo) has always been an inspiration to our family.
She will be greatly missed.

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