In Memoriam

Sister Patricia Brady, OP


Both of Sister Patricia Brady’s parents were born in Northern Ireland, Francis Joseph Brady in County Down and Mary Margaret Quinn in County Tyrone. The two met in Toronto, Canada, having immigrated there to seek better opportunities than existed in their homeland, and married and settled down in Montreal, Canada. It wasn’t long, however, before the young couple returned to Toronto, where their oldest child, Francis Leo, was born.

A few years later, Sister Pat’s father went to Chicago to find work, and when he got a job in the stockyards there, Mary and their son joined him in the United States. Later, he went to work for the Chicago Transit Authority as a streetcar conductor, and spent the rest of his working life in various positions with the CTA.

Within a year of their arrival in the States, the couple welcomed another baby into the family, a boy they named Kevin. Sadly, however, Kevin died of diphtheria before his second birthday. Pat was born on March 12, 1939, receiving her name because of her arrival coming just before St. Patrick’s Day. Two years later, Daniel was born, and then ten years went by before another girl, Colleen, came into the family, followed by Mary four years after that.

Because the family moved often, Sister Pat attended four grade schools around Chicago, one of them twice: St. Felicitas, St. Columbanus, St. Felicitas again, Little Flower, and finally St. Kilian. This variety of schools brought her into contact with three congregations of Sisters: IHMs, Mercy Sisters, and the Adrian Dominicans who taught at St. Kilian’s. When it came time for high school, she chose the Adrian Dominican-operated Aquinas High School, which required an hour-plus ride on city buses each way, over another school that was within walking distance of home.

Read more about Sister Patricia (formerly Sister Francis Kevin) (pdf)

make a memorial giftMemorial gifts may be made to Adrian Dominican Sisters, 1257 East Siena Heights Drive, Adrian, Michigan, 49221.

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Avatar  mary quinn brady 6 years agoReply

I have been remembering my sister Pat and frankly, remembering that if it wasn't for her my life would have been so much less gifted, blessed, happy successful, fulfilled, loved, cherished, enabled, guided, educated-words are not enough. She was my very own spiritual guide with no sign in the window just there for me always. My Mom and Dad were from the old country and needed some help parenting which she was willing and able to give when needed. She is the one who guided my educational pursuits, giving me books and recommendation for books, making Dad sign my college financial application forms, counseling me about life choices (I didn't always make the choices she wanted me to, but she stood behind me never-the-less). The gap that she will leave in my life is huge. Not only was I lucky enough to have her and my sister Colleen as big sisters, i was lucky enough to have her be an Adrian Dominican which opened up the enormous grace and pleasure of knowing nuns!! I had the privilege of friendships and experiences with her "sister" sisters throughout my whole life. Spiritually, I know she is with me always. I'm still hoping for a sign. Pat, how about an old Irish knock on the door or a snowy owl? That still might come. I know that she is with Mom , Frank, Brian, maybe even Dad, looking over us and guiding us from above. I know it was hard for you to say, Pat, even though you did toward the end, I love you with all my heart. Mary

Avatar  Laura Gellott 6 years agoReply

I was so saddened to learn this morning of the death of S. Patricia Brady / Sister Francis Kevin.
Anyone watching her video interview, or anyone who knew her, will agree that S. Pat radiates energy and intelligence. She is one of the very best teachers I ever had, and that includes college and graduate school.
I knew S. Francis Kevin from St. John’s / Ypsilanti. When she first came to St. John’s she taught in the grade school. One year she wrote a contemporary Christmas play, all in rhymed verse. I’ve never forgotten it.
By the time I got to high school S. Francis Kevin was teaching English there. I had her for Sophomore and Junior year English. The courses she taught, especially the survey of English literature, were the equivalent of a college English course. We learned the Canterbury Tales frontward and backward / inside out. Sister also directed the forensics competitions at the school and at the diocesan and perhaps state level. Her teams, from our small high school, were medal winners. Sister Francis Kevin was the yearbook moderator during my Sophomore and Junior years as well (she was succeeded by S. Carol Denise, the year I was editor in my senior year). I remember S. Francis Kevin driving groups of us to yearbook conferences and workshops in Mount Clemens and at U of D so that we could learn how to put together an excellent yearbook.
S. Pat says in her interview that she always loved teaching high school. Hearing her talk about her work with the Dominican Association of Secondary Schools, and the establishment of the preaching programs there, makes it clear that high school students were her life-long passion. Any of us who ever had her as a high school teacher were fortunate indeed. I am happy that I was able to reconnect with her in the last few years, and I will always treasure that friendship.

Avatar  mary brdy 6 years agoReply

Thanks you Laura, I just posted my remembrance. She dearly loved her students. mary

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