In Memoriam

Sister Rosemary Ferguson, OP


On March 6, 1943, having received the application of a not-quite 17-year-old Rosemary Ferguson to enter the Congregation, Mother Gerald Barry wrote a note of reply that included this sentence:

I know that you have a little idea of the good things that you can do for Him, but you have no idea of those greater things that you can work in Him and through Him and for Him with that special grace that he gives to a young girl who offers herself as a handmaid in the same manner as did Mary, His glorious Mother and ours.

While Mother Gerald of course could not know what lay in Rosemary Ferguson’s future as an Adrian Dominican, in hindsight her words seem especially prescient. Just twenty-five years later, Sister Rosemary would be called upon to lead the Congregation through tumultuous times, and did so with God’s “special grace” very much upon her.

Read more about Sister Rosemary (pdf)

make a memorial giftMemorial gifts may be made to Adrian Dominican Sisters, 1257 East Siena Heights Drive, Adrian, Michigan, 49221.

View the news article Adrian Dominican Sister Rosemary Ferguson, OP, Former Prioress, Dies at 92

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Avatar  Patsy Treadwell Freeman 11 months agoReply

Sister Laurence Edward, my young beautiful first-grade teacher at Rosarian Academy in West Palm Beach (1952-1953). A year I will never forget. Maybe she didn't forget, "I had 30 wonderful little girls at Rosarian ... " Thank you for this tribute.

Avatar  Cynthia Ann Swaida 4 years agoReply

Dear Sisters,
I was saddened to hear of the passing of Sr. Rosemary (Laurence Edward) Ferguson. Many years ago I knew Sister as a beautiful person, a beautiful soul. She was a magnificent leader and an inspiration to those who knew her. She showed by her example, devotion and love as she walked in the Light of Christ. I will keep Sr. Rosemary in my prayers.
Cynthia Ann Swaida

Avatar  ROSIE COKELEY 7 years agoReply

Sr. Laurence Edward's St. Kilian's Family will be watching her wake and funeral from this Facebook page. We loved and have very fond memories of her time as principal of our school.

Avatar  Joanne (Ebert) Mazza 7 years agoReply

May Rosemary rest in the peace of the Lord and be a guiding light from Heaven as the Adrian Dominicans continue in the work of the Lord, guided by the light of the Holy Spirit! She is a light in my life that will shine on as an example before me all the days of my life!

Avatar  Maria Antonietta and Manuel Berriozbal 7 years agoReply

Dear Sisters:

Please accept the condolences of friends from San Antonio, Texas where Sister Rosemary Ferguson's impact was felt through the lives of our dear friends Carol Coston and Elise Garcia. We had the pleasure of meeting her in some years ago when we visited your convent in Adrian.

We know the story of Sister Rosemary's influence during the critical times of Vatican II.

Sister Rosemary was not only influential in her congregation and in the lives of religious women in our country and beyond, she was also an example of faith, courage and grace that all people can follow.

!Sister Rosemary Ferguson, Presente!

Manuel and Maria Antonietta Berriozabal

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