In Memoriam

Sister Sean Eileen Allgeyer, OP


“This is what Yahweh asks of you, and only this: to act justly, to love tenderly, and to walk humbly with your God.” This scripture passage from Micah was Sean’s favorite; she took in these words and lived them faithfully in her ministry, our community, and with her family.

As we say farewell to Sean, the opening words of the Magnificat, which I am certain Sean prayed often, are especially fitting: “My being proclaims the greatness of God; my spirit rejoices in God my Savior … for God, wonderful in power, has done great things for me.” Sean, like Mary, you were a humble woman, a faithful woman, a lover of God, children, family and our community. For these fifty-nine years among us, you proclaimed God’s greatness. We thank you for this gift of your life. Blessed indeed are you among women.

These words from Sister Carol Jean Kesterke, Great Lakes Dominican Chapter Prioress, were part of her remembrance of Sister Sean Eileen Allgeyer at Sister Sean’s wake service the evening of August 22, 2019.

Sister Sean was born Norene Marcella Allgeyer on September 28, 1937, in Detroit, to Elsie (Pendergast) and Harold Allgeyer. She was the tenth child and the fifth daughter; there were twelve children in all born into the family: Robert, Bernard, Raymond, Frances, Eileen, Gerald (who died in infancy), Therese, John, Patricia, Norene, William and Catherine.

Read more about Sister Sean Eileen (pdf)

make a memorial giftMemorial gifts may be made to Adrian Dominican Sisters, 1257 East Siena Heights Drive, Adrian, Michigan, 49221. 

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Avatar  Janet Usleber 6 years agoReply

She will be missed and remembered everyday. Classy ladies league is sure going to miss her dearly

Avatar  The Rondini Family 6 years agoReply

Our prayers go with the family and her commmunity of sisters left behind. It is with saddened hearts we say good bye....she has been part of our family for the last 35 years. she attended the weddings,baptism communions and graduations. Sr.Sean was there for our birthdays ,summer gatherings and Christmas parties. I was her foil angel maker Halloween costume maker..Sr Sean was the captain of the bowling will be missed....till we meet our prayers and etched in our heart...luv u captain!

Avatar  Karen Lake 6 years agoReply

Sr Sean was an amazing lady that I had the pleasure of knowing through our bowling league on Tuesday night. My heart is broken as I will miss her loving smile, weekly calls and her friendship. I love you and will miss you dearly.

Avatar  Brian and Janet usleber 6 years agoReply

Sr.Sean will be missed and remembered by many. She was such a wonderful lady and will forever be in our memories. On Tuesday night Classy ladies will miss her dearly. Always looked forward to seeing her. She would send me random messages on the holidays. Going to miss that .

Avatar  Linda Marrocco Tenaglia c 6 years agoReply

I went to school with Noreen - Sister Sean Eileen. She was a great friend in and out of school. She left me with great memories. Rest In Peace Sister! 🙏❤️🙏❤️

Avatar  Sabine Ashman 6 years agoReply

Sister Sean was the best! She was stern yet loving. She had a gentle heart. I am so glad that my son Justin had her as his teacher and that both my children had her as librarian. I enjoyed the countless hours working next to her. She will be greatly missed! Thank you Lord, it was a pleasure to have her in my life.

Avatar  Lori King 6 years agoReply

Sister Sean will always be renembered with a smile. She was my daughter's kindergarten teacher at St Mary Mt Clemens. After that she became a great family friend. We all enjoyed keeping in touch with her over the years. We were so blessed that Sarah had her as a teacher and that she was a part of our life. Many great memories and laughs were had with her. She will always have a special place in our hearts. Love and miss you.
Until we meet again.

Avatar  Cheryl Hermann 6 years agoReply

Sr. Sean will always be remembered by her students, their parents, and her colleagues from St. Mary School. She was much loved by many.

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