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Nine women stand shoulder to shoulder along the edge of the labyrinth as the ceremony begins

October 27, 2022, Adrian, Michigan – Retreatants and visitors at Weber Retreat and Conference Center can now enjoy the renovated, rededicated labyrinth behind the retreat center as one way to connect physically with their spiritual journey. 

First dedicated 22 years ago with a ritual on December 31, 1999, marking the beginning of the new millennium, the labyrinth has been an instrument used to find peace and reflection by retreatants and visitors alike. 

Labyrinths have been used through the centuries as a way to become centered and prayerful. The labyrinth is not a maze but includes one meandering path from the periphery to the center and back again. There is no wrong way to walk a labyrinth, but one suggestion is to quiet your mind, soul, and body during the walk to the center, spend some time of reflection in the center, and walk out again with a renewed and refreshed spirit.

After 22 years, Weber Center’s labyrinth “needed a facelift and some renovation,” said Sister Janet Doyle, OP, Director of Weber Retreat and Conference Center. Each stone was removed, cleaned, and reset and the grouting was re-laid with funding from grants given to Weber Center to meet its needs.

The rededication brought about 30 people to the labyrinth on a sunny, autumn day. Sister Kathleen Schanz, OP, former director of Weber Center, noted how fitting the season is to the spiritual purpose of the labyrinth. “This month of harvest is an important milestone because we are on this journey to live what has heart and meaning for our beings,” she said. 

Sister Kathleen and Sister Esther Kennedy, OP, led participants in a ritual that included poetry by the late Adrian Dominican Sister Jean Denomme, OP; music with motions; prayer; and a nod to the mythical world.

Sister Esther rings a hanging bell at the entrance of the labyrinth as two people dressed in capes and feathered masks act as guardians nearby
Sister Esther Kennedy, OP, rings the bell on the Adrian Dominican Motherhouse grounds leading to the labyrinth as part of the rededication ritual as Guardians stand watch.

“The labyrinth is a mythical place,” Sister Esther said. “It’s a place that can help us expand our awareness, harmony in our lives, balance, beauty, and goodness.” She spoke of mythical allies that help people through their lives and pointed to two women who represented the mythical guardians of the labyrinth. “They offer assurance of blessing to us,” she said. “They wonder what’s growing in your soul, what summons is calling you as you take the sacred path.” 

Sister Esther invited participants to discern their own summons at this time – whether to learn to take better care of themselves, to accept current difficulties, or to repair a broken relationship – and to whisper that summons to the Guardians as they cross the threshold of the labyrinth.

During the ritual, as participants stood around the periphery of the labyrinth, Sister Kathleen spoke of the part labyrinths have played through the centuries as an aid to the spiritual journey. “Remember that labyrinths have been found in many places of worship, one of the earliest at Chartres Cathedral” in France, she said. “The only decision and choice any of us can make is to enter our labyrinth,” she said. “The ancients knew that this circle was the sacred symbol of harmony, wholeness, and grace.”

Eight women stand at the edge of the labyrinth, each with both hands outstretched in front of them as they make motions along with a song
Participants in the labyrinth rededication learn movements to go with a Navajo song, “We Walk in Beauty.”

The rededication concluded with prayer in the four directions, a Russian circle song and dance for peace, the opportunity for participants to walk the labyrinth, and refreshments.

The labyrinth has been rededicated as “an additional opportunity for meditation” at Weber Center, Sister Janet said. “It’s unusual to have such a beautiful labyrinth of the size we have.” She added that many people who come on retreats are surprised by its size and beauty. Tucked away on the grounds of Weber Center, the labyrinth and other special additions – such as the INAI Art Gallery – offer the opportunity for people to “really get away and have some quiet,” Sister Janet said.

Many people regularly use the labyrinth, Sister Janet said, including a couple of men who walk it on a regular basis, a class of Siena Heights University students, and local parishioners. 

“It’s available to anybody who wants to use it,” from dawn to dusk, Sister Janet added.

Sister Maureen Gallagher with Rosa Villele Hernandez in front of the products made by women at the sewing co-op

October25, 2022, Ciudad Juárez, Mexico – When Sister Donna Kustusch, OP, first came to Ciudad Juárez, Mexico in the late 1990s to work with Siena Heights University students at a soup kitchen, she became involved in the lives of the local women – first in a prayer community and then to address the needs of the people. Together, Sister Donna, Sister Eleanor Stech, OP, and the local women started Centro Santa Catalina with the people of Juárez.  

Anniversary Event

Six attendees of the anniversary fundraising event pose for a photo
Attending the fundraising event for Centro Santa Catalina are, standing, from left, Gloria Yanez, Rosa Villele Hernandez, Carlotta Arriola Rodela and her daughter, and Sister Jean Keeley, OP; Sister Maureen Gallagher, OP, in the wheelchair.

About 26 years later, Sisters Maureen Gallagher, OP, Jean Keeley, OP, and Nancy Murray, OP, traveled to El Paso, Texas, and Ciudad Juárez to celebrate Centro Santa Catalina’s anniversary, reconnect with the people, and observe the improvements in the city and in the lives of the people. 

The anniversary program involved a special presentation, Catherine of Siena: A Woman of our Times by Sister Nancy, who portrays St. Catherine of Siena – 14th Century Dominican mystic and reformer and the Patron Saint of Centro Santa Catalina – to parishes, schools, and other organizations around the world. Held at Loretto Academy Little Theater in El Paso, the event also included refreshments, a silent auction, and the opportunity to buy products made by women in the sewing co-op at Centro Santa Catalina. 

The Sisters’ three-day visit included lunch in El Paso with members of the Centro Santa Catalin’s board and other Sisters that Sister Maureen had come to know; a meeting with Bishop José Guadalupe Torres Campos of the Diocese of Ciudad Juárez; the fundraising program; and a visit to the Centro Santa Catalina and the community.

“It was wonderful to see the warmth and the welcome for [Sisters] Maureen and Nancy and to see how much the Center has grown – and how much bigger their influence,” Sister Jean said. “I was privileged to be Maureen’s companion.”

History of Centro Santa Catalina

In an interview, Sister Maureen recounted the history of Centro Santa Catalina, which began as a women’s prayer group in a chapel near the city’s garbage dump. Eventually, learning from the women that they needed money to buy food and send their children to school, Sister Donna helped the women to start a sewing co-op to earn their money. 

Since then, the Center has become a faith-based community for women who are economically poor, offering a Homework Help program for children, a daily lunch program, computer and sports programs, and monthly prayer gatherings. Sister Maureen describes the Center as a community. “Every single woman lost an immediate family member or other relative to the [drug] cartel,” she said. “They supported one another” through these tragedies.

Sister Maureen said that Sister Donna invited her in 2006 to serve as marketing director for the products made by the women in the sewing co-op. 

Based in El Paso, Texas, Sister Maureen focused on selling the women’s products in the United States. While her predecessor had sold the women’s products at five parishes in El Paso, Sister Maureen expanded the outreach. By the time she left the ministry in 2019, she said, “almost every parish in El Paso would sell some of the products before Christmas.” She also sold the products at conferences and asked other Adrian Dominican Sisters to help in the sales when they attended conferences.

Thanks in part to Sister Maureen’s marketing, the women in the co-op earned enough money to make a living. “When I was there, there were 30 co-op workers,” she recalled. “They take care of their own budget. They pay the bills first and then buy the material. If anything is broken, they fix it and then they get their share. So, they really know how to run the co-op.”

But the co-op did more than help the women earn money. “They grew really confident,” Sister Maureen recalled. “When I first got there, they would look to the ground with their heads down and wouldn’t speak. Now they stand up straight and look you in the eye.” 

Sister Fran Hickey, OSF, stands with five seated tutors for the Homework Help program
Sister Fran Hickey, OSF, teaches tutors for the Homework Help program.

Improving Lives

Sisters Maureen and Jean saw other improvements in the lives of the women and in the Center during their recent visit. The Center is now directed by Rosa Villele Hernandez, a Mexican woman who had been in religious life in a Mexican community. “With her religious background, she kept the spirituality program going,” as well as the programs for children in grades 1 to 5, Sister Maureen said. “She encouraged the women – tutors especially – to go to school, and we paid their tuition.” Some returned to work professionally at the Center, she added, while others found jobs elsewhere. 

Because she is a native of Mexico, Rosa obtained grants from the Mexican government and from foundations. Such funding enabled the Center to install solar panels and to provide purified water, Sister Maureen said. 

Sister Jean noted that a grant from a Mexican foundation has provided funding for the Center to add two nutritionists, a psychologist, a nurse, and drama teachers to its staff. “It’s greatly expanded the resources for people coming to the Center,” she said. In addition, the Center draws help from healthcare students of the local university. 

Rosa “has connections we never had,” Sister Maureen pointed out. She especially wants Adrian Dominican Sisters to know that, in the tradition of missionary work, a ministry begun in part by Adrian Dominican Sisters from outside of Mexico has now been turned over to the people from Mexico.


Feature photo at top: Rosa Villele Hernandez, left, Director of Centro Santa Catalina, and Sister Maureen Gallagher, OP, sell products made by the women at the sewing co-op.



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