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July 29, 2019, Omaha, Nebraska – Sister Patricia Siemen, OP, brought a recent conference, “Laudato Si’ and the U.S. Catholic Church” to a close June 29, 2019, with a special challenge to all who care about Earth: “tell stories that invite others to enter into an experience of wanting to become involved in protecting creation and our ecological world.” Sister Patricia, Prioress of the Adrian Dominican Sisters, was the closing keynote speaker at the conference, sponsored and hosted by Creighton University in Omaha and co-sponsored by Catholic Climate Covenant. The conference aimed to show Catholics and Catholic organizations how to live out Laudato Si’, a recent pastoral letter by Pope Francis on caring for Earth, our Common Home.
Read the full article, written by Brian Roewe and published by the National Catholic Reporter.
July 23, 2019, Detroit – Sister Nancyann Turner, OP, at the start of the Capuchin Soup Kitchen’s annual Peace Camp for children, reflects on things that never change, such as the flourishing of the children who attend the camp, as well as on other things that do change. Sister Nancyann is the Program Director for the soup kitchen’s Rosa Parks Children and Youth Program. Read her blog.
Image by skeeze from Pixabay