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March 18, 2022, Grosse Pointe, Michigan – Kimberly Williams, Director of the Dominican Literacy Center, and Sister Janice Brown, OP, Director of the Siena Literacy Center, were recognized by Soroptimist International of Grosse Pointe on the evening of March 9, 2022, with the Ruby Award. Both literacy centers are located in Detroit and are sponsored by the Adrian Dominican Sisters.

Soroptimist International of Grosse Pointe is a dynamic group of women who care about making the world a better place for women and girls. The group raises funds throughout the year to support women and girls with access to the education and training they need to achieve economic empowerment. 

Kimberly Williams, left, and Sister Janice Brown, OP, Ruby Award recipients, enjoy time together during the awards dinner.
Kimberly Williams, left, and Sister Janice Brown, OP, Ruby Award recipients, enjoy time together during the awards dinner.

Kimberly and Sister Janice received the Ruby Award in recognition of their outstanding work and dedication to women's education and growth. With the award, both literacy centers received donations to help continue their excellent work.    

Sister Janice has been involved in adult education since 2005. She was Director of the Dominican Literacy Center until 2017, when she began her work on a Doctorate in Ministry at the Catholic Theological Union in Chicago.

“It was an honor to be highlighted as a leader in our community for women’s education,” Sister Janice said. “I was thrilled to … be with people who are passionate about it.” She praised the women of Soroptimist of Grosse Pointe for their dedication to providing a second chance to women who strive to overcome adversity and make a difference in the world.

Sister Janice said the work of literacy centers is to provide that second chance for people who are struggling with literacy issues – either native English speakers who didn’t gain sufficient skills in school or adult learners studying English as a Second Language (ESL). Offering a second chance at life “is part of cultivating that individual to be who God meant them to be,” she said. “We walk with [our adult learners]. We provide the education and support they need for the foundational level.” 

Adult learners tend to have “a lot on their plates, raising a family and putting food on the table,” Sister Janice said. “You’ve got to have a time in your life when you can put education in top priority.”

She spoke of some of Siena Literacy Center’s many success stories. One adult learner, an ESL student, earned her GED and is now taking classes to earn her two-year nursing degree. “That’ll be a better paying position, as well as filling a great need we have in society” for healthcare professionals, Sister Janice said. 

Kimberly was “happy and excited and honored” to receive the Ruby Award and, during the award evening, appreciated hearing the stories of the scholarship recipients, women who faced obstacles and moved forward in their lives. “It was very powerful to me to hear what people have gone through and how they’re pushing through,” she said. “It was very inspirational.”

She is also inspired by the adult learners at the Dominican Literacy Center. “My highlights are when I see people achieving their goals,” whether to earn a GED, read the Bible more effectively, or help their children, Kimberly said. She pointed to one student who spent years improving his reading and math skills so he can now work to earn his GED. Two staff members were originally adult learners at Dominican Literacy Center and are now able to give back, she added.

A native of Detroit, Kimberly graduated from college and moved to the East Coast, where she “worked for corporate America for a long time.” When she was laid off, she realized that her volunteer work had been more rewarding. After working for a high school, pairing tutors and students, she moved back to Detroit and was hired as program coordinator at Dominican Literacy Center. She earned a Master of Education degree in Reading from Marygrove College in Detroit. When Sister Janice left to work on her doctorate, Kimberly was hired as Director.

“This is my dream job,” Kimberly said. Still, she added, she has been challenged by the pandemic, which forced the Center to close at times and which brought on the need for Zoom for tutoring sessions and meetings. “Right now, we’re open and offer online and in-person instruction,” she said. “We’re working towards full capacity.”

The evening also honored women who courageously broke chains of oppression. Some struggled to get out of abusive relationships to make a better life for themselves and their families. Others had dreams to learn the skills that they would need to help others significantly. All received scholarships to continue their education and are doing the work needed to create a new trajectory of their lives. 

Lavina Hutchinson received the Virginia Wagner Award for women enrolled in a university degree program who work hard academically and either volunteer in the community or face financial challenges.
Nealmetria Loper, Delia Mustin, Denise Sargent, and Danyelle Easly received the Live Your Dream Award for women who are working toward a university degree and are the primary financial supports for their families.

Tonesia Nesbitt received the Continuing Education Award, which is given to Living Your Dream recipients working towards completing their university degrees.
Sister Janice Brown, OP, contributed to this article.

Feature photo (top): Celebrating with Sister Janice Brown, OP – Ruby Award recipient – are, back row, from left, Associates Geri Pleva, Carol Hofer, and Toni Adams and Sister Janet Stankowski, OP, and front row, from left, Sisters Nancyann Turner, OP, and Janice Brown, OP, Associate Mary Margaret Bommarito, and Dominican Volunteer Erinn Toth.

December 3, 2021, Flint, Michigan – Sisters Carol Weber, OP, and Judy Blake, CSJ, received the C.S. Mott Citizen of the Year Award during the 2021 Art of Achievement Evening Awards Ceremony, held last month at the Capitol Theater in Flint. Co-founders and Co-directors of St. Luke’s N.E.W. Life Center, they were recognized for their years of service to struggling people in Flint.

The award is named for Charles Stewart Mott, founder of a major foundation that funds community organizations around the world – including the N.E.W. Life Center.

“It was a very humbling experience because there are a lot of deserving people who do a lot of work in Flint,” Sister Carol said in an interview. “People are so grateful for what we are able to do. It’s a ministry – a call from God. I’m only doing what I’m called to do.”

The ministry of Sisters Carol and Judy is extensive. The N.E.W. Life Center focuses on helping people in the North End of Flint, which is predominantly African American and low-income. Services include a food pantry, a literacy center, employment preparation, and specific job training in areas such as commercial sewing and lawn care.

During the onset of the Flint water crisis in 2014 – when lead was found in the city’s water – the Center played a key role in distributing clean water and in teaching mothers of young children the importance of good nutrition to help combat the effects of the lead. “We’re still having problems with water,” Sister Carol said, adding that the Center received the donation of a filtration system to supply clean water for cooking and drinking.

The Employment Preparation Program teaches participants “soft skills” needed to be dependable workers, as well as specific job skills. The program helps participants to “get a better handle on who they are, what their goals are, and what their life plan is,” Sister Carol explained. The Center also partners with employers who are willing to hire people who have served in prison, she added.

One of the job-training components deals with making pallets for a business that supplies them to General Motors. Another aspect of that program, Sister Carol said, is training workers to take apart wooden crates found in the landfill and giving them to Habitat for Humanity to sell in their ReStore. “We’re trying to teach our people the skill of production,” she said. “The job they will get after on-the-job training most likely will be in production.”

The women in the Center’s commercial sewing company continue making clothing for Stormy Kromer. But, as Christmas approaches, they’re also working on a special project: making personalized Christmas bags – filled with gifts such as socks, underwear, a stuffed animal, a toy, a coat, and a blanket – for almost 500 local children under the age of 10. The N.E.W. Life Center also assembles a family box for other members of the family, including clothing, personal items, and toilet paper. 

Sister Carol said two other Adrian Dominican Sisters have recently come to the N.E.W. Life Center to offer their gifts in special ministries. Sister Theresa Mayrand, OP, is beginning a support program for pregnant women and for mothers of small children. Sister Patricia Magee, OP, is starting an after-school educational program for elementary school children from a local Catholic school.      

“We’re growing,” Sister Carol said. “People are investing in us. It’s a good time for us in Flint because people recognize what we are able to do. The people in Flint trust us.”

View a slide gallery of the award ceremony


Feature photo: This is one of more than 1,000 Christmas bags that St. Luke’s N.E.W. Life Center will be distributing to children in the Flint area. The bags contain gifts such as socks, underwear, a stuffed animal, a toy, a coat, and a blanket. To the right is Sister Carol Weber, OP.



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