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September 19, 2016, Detroit, Michigan – Now that schools are open and people are settling into the routine of Fall, it’s time to start thinking about another season – Advent.
Sister Janet Schaeffler’s latest Advent book of reflections, Wondrous Days of Comfort and Joy – Daily Reflections, Practices, and Prayers, is now available. The booklet can be ordered online or through the Weber Center Shop at Weber Retreat and Conference Center in Adrian.
Sister Janet has drawn on her years of experience in parish and archdiocesan catechetical ministry to write her annual book of reflections. In addition, she has written a number of accompanying parish and family Advent resources, including The Coming of Joy inserts for parish bulletins; Advent and Christmas Day with Pope Francis bulletin inserts and hand-outs; and an Advent Retreat Kit. She has also developed a kit in which families can create and decorate a Jesse Tree together with symbols of salvation history leading up to the birth of Jesus.
Formerly the Director of Adult Faith Formation for the Archdiocese of Detroit, Sister Janet has written articles and books for faith formation ministry, and offers days of reflection, retreats, catechist formation programs, and adult faith formation programs.
By Sister Mary Jean Williams, OP
September 14, 2016, Wilmette, Illinois – During the Back to School Liturgy on September 1, the Regina Dominican High School community commissioned student Dominican Preachers.
Father Peter Wojcik asked the assembly to extend their hands toward the Dominican Preachers, who offer reflections during school liturgies and prayer services and take leadership in promoting the Dominican heritage and spirituality to the school community. as he read the prayer of blessing:
“Loving God, source of all wisdom and knowledge, we ask you to bless and guide these young women as they offer themselves in a special service to the school community as Dominican Preachers,” Father Wojcik prayed. “Strengthen them with your gifts, that they may preach by word and example the truth that comes from you. We ask this in the name of Jesus Christ and through the intercession of St. Dominic and St. Catherine of Siena.”
The Dominican Preachers promised with the help of God, St. Dominic and St. Catherine of Siena to live the Dominican pillars of prayer, study, and community in their words and actions.
Rachel Lucas, Olivia Janickas, Lauren Murphy, and Kirby Weiland had attended the Annual Dominican High Schools Preaching Conference, held June 24-29, 2016, at Siena Heights University in Adrian. The conference focuses on teaching students from more than 30 Dominican high schools various ways to preach through their lives. The new student preachers were amazed that so many Adrian Dominican Sisters whom they met at the conference had either attended or ministered at Regina Dominican.
Emma Dunderdale, Kaitlin Clancy, Grace Tamisiea, and Margaret McNaughton had attended the 2015 Dominican High Schools Preaching Conference and continue their role as student Dominican preachers.